Sunday, October 26, 2008


Shiva was seated on a platform made of granite rocks under a leafy deotharu tree in the Snow bound Himalayan terrain. A large size tiger skin was spread on the platform. He was clad only in a deer skin. He was bare from waist up. The skin was glowing with good health , though smeared with ash . He was seated in a yogic posture called Veerasana. His long hands were folded in front and the palms were placed on the lap one above other, open to the sky. From a distance it appeared as though he was holding blue coloured lotus bud in his lap. His body was still and erect. His large eyes were partly closed, looking at the tip of a long sharp nose. His breathing was rhythmic and power radiated from all his body, in a soft bluish glow attributed to his enormous yogic power.He had long unruly matted hair which he had attempted to tie up in a bun with a snake used as a binding rope. His string of rudraksha beads , were folded in a double loop which he had inserted in the pierced ears. He was in an yogic trance controlling all his life forces and senses.
In a near by hut was seated his loyal attendant Nandhi, in a human form, holding a golden cane , symbol of his status as head of forces loyal to shiva . Presently his job was to ensure that nobody disturbed while his master was in the trance.
From his hiding place Kamadeva watched Shiva very carefully.He has been here last few days trying to understand Shiva’s daily routine , his movements and the traffic from and to the hut guarded by Nandideva..He was calm and patient . He had some very important work to accomplish and he was looking for an opportune moment to strike. He looked at his armory with a smile. These were not the destructive type..The long flexible bow was made from cane shoot and the arrows were made from fine reed strung with exotic flowers. He had five different types of arrows , each one designed for particular target and desired effect For Siva he had selected special arrow which he piously called Sam mohanastram .It was expected to change the course of history. The welfare of three worlds depended on how successfully Kamadeva accomplished his task. The responsibility weighed heavily on the slim and shapely shoulders of the handsome kamadeva.

Brahma had told Indra that only Kamadev had the necessary power to bring about the destruction of the dreaded asura Taraka , so please convince Kamadev that he should get involved. And here he was stalking Siva in his own den. Mention of Taraka reminded him of the dialogue he had with Indra Indra’s normally glowing face was some how looking dull. His arrogance was subdued and he moved about like a beaten man robbed of all his glory and grandeur. The reason was the continuous pounding he had been subjected to by the wily asura , Taraka . Not only physical pounding but also the ridicule heaped on him and his associates. Today , Indra was moving about doing errands for Taraka. His famous Vajrayudha was wasted on TarakaThe other devatas who went to the aid of Indra were also severely dealt with. Kubera lost his Gadayudam and his famous city of Amaravathi. Varuna lost his pasa and Yama found his kaladhanda useless against the valour of Taraka. Even Surya did not have the heart to fight Taraka. The famous sudarshan chakra could not even scratch the Armour of Taraka .He was protected by a powerful boon granted by Brahma .When Taraka was asked how he wished to die he said sarcastically “ If I should ever be defeated in a battle , let me taste defeat at the hands of a son born to the ascetic minded Shiva.” Taraka believed that Shiva would never marry, leave alone beget a son . That was the conviction. After the departure of Sati at the time of Daksa yagnam Shiva had become a recluse, steeped in asceticism . With Shiva showing no inclination for a married life and conjugal bliss , the Asura ruled and terrified the three worlds , with out any deterrent to stop him. His atrocities continued un abated and his hordes of followers continued to humiliate the devas in every possible manner. The Samudra raja had to gather all the pearls and gems from the ocean floor and deposit them at the asura’s feet as his homage.The Asura blasted mount Meru for mining gold required for his palaces. Indra had to surrender all the provisions from Kalpa vriksa to Taraka on regular basis and all the deva kanyas had to be sent to Asura’s palace for the entertainments of Asura lords under Taraka..Now Kamadeva has been adviced by Indra to do something to change the mindset of Shiva using his extraordinary powers, so that a son capable of overwhelming Taraka could be born
The word about kamadeva’s attempts to influence Siva’s mind from ascetic way of life to that of domestic bliss, reached Taraka’s ears and he laughed aloud. He declared “ Fools, Dont you know that Shiva is not a child whose mind can be changed . Do not finger Siva, he has a very wild temper.Yu are playing with fire when you are dealing with Him. He will simply burn you up.”
Rati , the consort of Kamadeva was worried about her lords safety .She told him to stay away from Siva. “It is not our fight. Our job is to spread love and pleasure all round.We should not get hurt doing what is our duty” Kamadeva assured her that he would be very careful. We simply can not allow an asura to go about , insulting Devatas day in and day out .After all we also belong to Devagana. “Seeing her beautiful face clouded by un known fear Kamadeva explained ,” my dear . You know my powers very well. I can ignite fire of passion in any soul, however elevated that soul may be. I can erode virtue as easily as a river erodes the bank.There is no woman whose virtue is safe from my darts. I can bend the mind of the most virtuous to a life of ruin in no time. I can defeat sanity and forebearance in any vairagi .In that sense my arrows are more lethal than the arrows kicked by Pinaki wielded by shiva. The other arrows maim , cut and tear flesh. My arrows go deeper. They dont leave any mark on the body.They simply touch essential nerve centers in the brain..Even though I have such awesome powers , I have never used any of my powers to destroy a good man or a good virtuous woman.I have used my powers only to spread love and friendship and make this earth a better place to live and propogate life..That is why my power has been on the rise. I Know that if I ever use it for personal gain or too punish any one , I will cause my own ruin. I know that if I succeed in kindling passion in the heart of Shiva, I would accomplish what Brahma wanted.I know Shiva is an extremely difficult proposition. I know what happened at the Daksa yagna and how Shiva’s consort Sathi immolated herself. I know shiva will never forgive me if I smash his ascetic shield. But I have to do what I can .”
Rati was not convinced. She had a very uneasy feeling.. She said “ My lord , you must not engage Shiva alone. You must take our friend Vasantha . He will create a very conducive atmosphere for you to succeed. I will also go with you”
Kamadev was happy that Rathi has given him the permission. He said “ That would be very nice. Today I spent lot of time studying Shiva at his place. I see that Parvathi also has been frequenting that place, helping Shiva in his prayers and worship. Se as made up her mind t wed shiva only and the union has the approval of Himavan, her father and Lord Brahma. Her proximity to Shiva, is what Iam going to cash on.Every one is interested in shiva marrying Parvathi and I would be helping a good cause .So far the desire has been from Parvati’s side only and her love has not been reciprocated by Shiva because , he simply has not become aware of it. All I am aiming to do is to create that awareness . Would that be wrong?


Next day Kamadeva accompanied by Vasantha and Rati visited the place very close to Shiva’s hut. The trio watched with bated breath. Siva had just then broken out of yogic trance. His eyes opened softly and watched Parvathi walking towards him along with her friends, carrying flowers and fire wood required for shiva’s sacrificial fire. The presence of Vasantha in the neigbourhood had an effect on the ambience.Siva w ho was endowed wit extraordinary perception
For sensing subtle changes in the envirnment became aware. His back straightened and he watched.He stared at Parvathi as he suspected her to have brought an enticing smell in the air. He was staring at her while all his senses went on high alert. Kamadev read the situatin very correctly . He advised Vasantha to withdraw fearing discovery before he was ready to shoot.. Shiva seemed satisfied that everything was normal. He accepted thhe garland ffered by Parvati . He even smiled at Parvati. She was thrilled to see some emotion on his face. She looked enchantingly beautiful.There was more spring in er steps. She was humming a delightful tune. . The flowers she had worn in her hair had an enticing lingering scent. Her eyes were large and shining.Te eye brows arched enhancing her attractive face, which was now glowing with anticipated pleasure . The red dot in the center of her broad forehead added luster to her face.. The delicately wrn dress cvering er top was slipping tentalisingly.The shapely narrow hips and heavy bosom
added curves and slants that accentuated her delicate figure.. Kamadeva was now certain that such close proximity of Parvathi to Shiva would be a great help to his work. He now looked at his bow and arrow.The bow was made from tender cane shoot. Te arrow was made from a string of just blossomed mango flowers. The bees hovering over the flowers got stuck to the flowers as they were arranged in the string.
The cucks sang , having just partaken the honey from the mango trees, heralding the arrival of vasanta. The notes raised by the cuckoos reached Siva’s ears, just as the pleasant breeze whipped by the swinging arrow, carried the mesmerizing scent of mango flowers
Reached his nostrils. The pleasant breeze hit his bare torso smeared with ash , creating faint vibrations permeating softly all through his body, which so far remained under strict control of his mind through his yogic power..

Devas had now gathered around Kamadeva to witness the magical moment , when Kamadev would hit Siva and send him into raptures of passion that would finally engulf
Parvathi too.They wanted to be there to bless the union of two souls .Parvathi blissfully ignorant of divine manipulations to help her avowed ambition , walked demurely twards Siva extending a garland strung out of brilliantly coloured flowers.As the breeze struck her , her dress slipped and a hand darted to hold the fabric in place.
Kamadeva chose that moment to strike.Hhe was already in kneeling stance, pulled at the bow hard snapping it inta tight circle, with the famous sam mohanastram locked in place. He pulled at the bow string, a smile lighting up his face in anticipation of his ultimate triumph.
Siva sensed the attack and turned. His mind quickly erased the images of Parvthi’s tentallising figure.His ears closed shut the strains of enthusiastic cuckoo.. His nostrils flared.His eyes focussed in the direction of Kamadeva catching him at the point of release of the fateful arrow. The blue face turned crimson as the anger surfaced fast . He recognised Kamadeva and he became severely aware of the plot to subvert his asceticism
and yogic power. His left hand raised and pointed in the direction of Kamadeva
The devas sensed impending danger to kamadeva and shouted in unison Shantam shantam, but he did not hear a word. The third eye flashed open and a blistering stream of sparks raced in a powerful beam to engulf Kamdeva. Kamadev released the arrow and it sped faster towards its target. Rathi threw herself in the line of the beam but she was dreadfully slow. She sensed the burst of heat as flames lit up kamadeva and in a fleeting second he was reduced to a pile of ash. She collapsed on the floor totally un conscious.


The earth shook as Shiva stood up and stamped his feet in anger. Parvati stepped back in horror as she witnessed from close quarters the immolation of Kamadeva by the flames from the dreaded third eye of Shiva.She saw anger and disapproval from every crease in the reddish face of Shiva. She ran out of the hut trying to suppress a scream and in total confusion. She knew that her hopes of marrying Siva were now dashed to the ground. All her efforts to win Siva by display of devotion and dedicated service were wasted efforts now.
Shiva walked away in opposite direction. Devas left the scene one by one.Vasanta rushed towards Rathi and tried to bring her back to consciousness.. When she regained her senses , she had full knowledge of what had happened. She saw the anxious face of Vasanth and groped around to locate her husband. Then her eyes fell on the still warm mound of ash, that was all that was left of her consort’s immaculate body. A long wail of un fathomable grief came out of her trembling mouth that made every living thing near by shake up in fear. She raised both her hands over her head and slapped her fore head crying pitifully and cursing every fate and divine agencies that ad contributed t the incineration of her consort in a flash. She questioned the divine agencies”what was the fault .committed by her consort, who did what was assigned t him? His capabilities and unique powers formed the bed rock on which the human species was supposed to propagate and proliferate. With out his work , this earth would have been a desolate hostile place unfit for human settlement. His mission in life was to bring about peace , harmony, love , union and new life . Hw can he be rubbed out so mercilessly, for doing his duty?”
As she went on wailing , she suddenly realized her own plight. Till a few moments ago , she was the consort of the most perfect man ever created and se was the most envied woman on earth.All her time was spent in the most pleasant union of her heart , soul , mind and body with that of Manmadha, an association that was intoxicating.And in ne flash she had become a destitute, helpless widow.She did not have the courage nor thhe inclination t face a life with out Manmadha at her side. She tore of her garment and scooped with two hands as from the pile and smeared her body, slapping her chest and banging her head on the ground Vasantha held her fast and tried to console her but he could not utter a single word as he himself was totally shattered. Rathi commanded him”Vasanta , you were his closest friend. You know that I can not live with out him.I will put my body down hugging his ashes .You cover us with logs and set fire to our pyre.Atleast in the land of the dead , we will live together . That is the only way you can honour your dead friend.”Unable to think on his own , vasantha did what was told. He piled up logs and fire wood on top of Rathhi and prepared to light the pyre .He walked around the pyre weeping like a child suddenly orphanned . As he was about to touch the wooden pile with his fire brand, powerful lightning flashed overhead and an unearthly voice announced” Stop this Vasantha.Help Rathi to get up. Rathi , you do not have to grieve . Your Kamadeva sacrificed his body for the welfare of Devas. He is not dead. While he will remain invisible to every one , you will be able to see him and feel him . Te love ignited by him in the soul of shiva will in course of time , will change his mindset and direct him towards Parvathi as ordained by nature Siva will wed Parvathhi very soon and when that happy union takes place Kamadeva will regain his form. World can not exist with out Rathi and Manmadha because you make this place lovely .Please forgive the agencies for bringing you so much grief. PLEASE PRESERVE THE ASHES

Rathi felt the stirring in her heart as the ashes seemed to come live. An eerie image emerged from the ashes, she put her arms around the image crying “Ananga, Ananga”
She was convinced that the prophesy that she had heard would come true. She decided to wait for the event to take place

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