Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Return of the curse

The return of the curse

New novel by T.K .Raghunathan

Mr.B was all alone in that sprawling, beautifully furnished living cum bedroom. He felt cosy in a plush sofa loaded with colourfully covered cushions all around him. He was reading a book in the light from a strategically fitted lamp that threw light only on the book while keeping his face in the shadow, as he reclined with his back propped by a pillow. In that big room, there was no other light on at that time. It was all silent barring the soft purr of the air conditioner and flipping of pages as he read .B preferred it this way in recent times as though he was hiding himself from the glare of public.

It was not always like this all the time. B was essentially an out door man. He had been so all his life. He was an adventurer in the traditional mould. If there was kick in any thing, he had to have a taste of it...He had raced cars, he ran an industry and raised an empire. He indulged in films and produced block busters. He took to public speaking and became a legend.He had a golden touch and met success with sage like certainty. If he had ever failed at all, it was a well kept secret.

They wanted to rush him into politics and he baulked. He knew that was the surest way to make enemies, so he avoided politics like a plague. He decided he was born to rule and rule he did on his own terms. He had his empire, he had his own turf and he had his own army. An army of pin stripes and high IQ who could reach any where and handle any one he fancied , highest echelons of power or the lowly barber in the street corner. Whatever he wished for and accomplished were legit and had values and did not hurt the common man. People were only too happy to oblige him. They never wanted to find out what would have happened if they had not. So far he had had his way and that way was his own, straight and practical. His conscience was clear. He slept well, with out fear or doubt.

Pushing 70s he wanted to withdraw and wind up. He had married a woman 10 years his junior. She had more energy and spirit in her than him presently .So she was constantly out, trying to do all that he wished to do but could not get around to do. She ran his charity show, scholar ship fund, Medicare initiatives. She ran hospitals, managed schools and colleges. They were all small tight organisation spread all over the country. She never allowed any activity to become too big or unmanageable. She knew her limits and operated very efficiently with in that limit.B was proud of her.

They had two sons, who ran the empire he had created, too busy to bother their father. They scrupulously maintained their distance, independence and respect. They had a family get together once a month, in this very house, for review, relaxation and recommitment. They discussed social issues, activities of trusts and new options and strategies. The patriarch listened attentively, responded to questions and never attempted to force his views or options on his people. A weekly letter from his desk was the only correspondence that changed policies when warranted.

The meetings always ended with a glorious meal all ethnic, tasty and sumptuous. Music by a well known artist brought the evening to a close. The singer and his accompanying artists would make their appearance at the right time, do their piece and withdraw .They were adequately compensated. After the departure of the artists, they would review music, trends and new names. They will decide the artist to be called for the next meeting. They all slept under the same roof that night and come morning, they will go their ways after a warm hug, firm hand shake and a pleasant smile.

A handwritten request/invitation letter was sent to the chosen artist. Nobody refused his invitation. Secretly every aspiring singer longed for B’s invitation. The invitation opened many doors, lined up new opportunities. The invitees in recent days have been from the struggling lot, waiting for a breakthrough inspite of loads of talent. B had a continuous supply of rising stars and he was proud that nobody had been invited twice to his household, just to sing.

There was beep at his cell .he looked at it and barked
‘what is it?’
“Sir,Sohanlal wants to meet with you”
‘Can’t he wait till tomorrow morning?’
“No, Sir, he says it is urgent. He seems desperate.”
“Yes, Sir looks like that.”
‘tell him he has got just twenty minutes. I am feeling sleepy already’

It took Sohanlal, twenty minutes to reach the hall. He was sweating with effort. B suspected that sweat was more because of some fear. B could smell failure from distance and knew instinctively that Sohan had failed on some commitment. He had least tolerance to listen to excuses and people knew he never gave another chance. You don’t create an empire breeding incompetence and deadwood among his staff. But Sohanlal was different. He was almost an adapted son, a member of his inner circle, confidante of his sons, his wife and the family. B saw his own reflection in Sohanlal in all skills except one. Sohanlal very sensitive. He kept his place in the inner circle purely on the basis of expertise, loyalty and honesty. He had no reason to be afraid of B , yet he was not his usual confident self.

B remembered a line from Shakespear’ Julius Ceaser.’Ambition is made of sterner stuff’, looking at Sohanlal.
Sohanlal walked with dignity, head held high. Came with in touching distance, sat on the floor, close to B’s feet and bowed.B rubbed the greying hair of sohanlal and asked , ‘ cheer up Sohan, we are all alive and well. Why this long face?
“Sir, it is about the invitation we had sent to the singer for next week’s get together.”
B tried to remember, and could not recall the name .
Whom did we invite?’ his patience was thin.
“Pandit Dinanath”
Oh, Dinanath.He said, no?
Yes sir. H e said no to your invitation”He made it sound improabale.Sohanlal expected B to explode in a fit of temper. Sohanlal had seen many specimen of humanity crushed under the force of that anger , when ever a failure was reported to B in person. B had an ego of Himalayan proportion. His path to the pinnacle of glory was paved with crushed egos of many, who failed to measure upto his wishes. When B pushed, the other person always caved in. Consequenses were not good to those who dared to say No ,when B asked.

Sohanlal could not remember the last time when any one had said no to him.What disturbed Sohanlal was not knowing why he was reporting such a thing to B. He waited for the outburst that did not happen .Has B changed, he asked himself. People like B did not change.They bring about changes in the way others lived upto them. That type of change, ran the world .

B tried to recall what little he knew about Dinanath. What made him say no. Did Sohanlal make a wrong pitch and turned the guy off?

At twenty, Dinanath was a brilliant singer. He burst on the scene as a raw youngster just 4 years ago with a new open style of singing that captured the mind of the young..He specialised in antique bhajans .In between hard metal and loud fusion , his music stood out soft, serene and soothing.He gave only one performance in two months and made sure that his engagements did not interfere with his studies..The proceeds of his performances met his educational needs and basic comforts of a student studying for medicine.

B said displaying enormous patience, ‘Sohan, tell me what happened.’

“Nothing, Sir, and that is what hurts me. He simply would not give me the time of the day. It was like a slap on my face. An outright rejection with out a second thought.”

‘Did you explain why the invitation was sent?’

Did he know who he was saying no to?

Was the compensation in adequate? Did he know about B?

The questions came one after another staggering Sohanlal.He had no answer.

‘Sohan , are you with me?.Did you hear what I said? Why are you silent?’

No ,Sir. I am alright. It just happened that way. He seemed to know me. It was hate at first sight. He did not like me, my face and he simply threw me out. I simply could not put in a word edgewise. He had your letter in his hand and he showed me the door. The humiliation was complete.”

B realized that for the first time, he had come across a person for whom B did not mean any thing. He simply could not take such a brush off.
Sohan continued.”For once sohan meant more than B”

Why and How?

Sohan was silent.

Do you know why he rejected you?

“I can find some reason.”

Good reason?

“Yes, Sir.”

You want to tell me about it?

“No sir, certain things are better unsaid.”

Sohan , I want Dinanath at the dinner. Find a way to bring him.

“No sir.I do not want to meet him again.”

Sohan, B roared.

“Sorry Sir, I will not bother you on this matter any more.Count me out.”

He turned and walked away. It took great strength to walk out on B .But Sohan was a strong man
B did not stop him.The door closed softly.


The dean of BJmedical college was all courtesy. Kadambari was making one of her very rare visits to the college promoted by her family. If she visited at all it was always for some new project or some new grand plan for upgrading facilities in the college or for introducing some student welfare measure. It meant infusion of more funds which was always welcome. There could be some other reasons for her visit like some complaints received by the family about some actions by the administration. Dean dreaded such visits as he was basically a good man and liked his job and was annoyed when ever any one bypassed him and took up the matter with the family.So naturally he was worried when Kadambari took her own time coming to the point.

Kadambari made it known that she wanted to review the progress made by the college in the haemetology lab, that was to push the college into higher grading for the college.She had managed to get approval from central government for additional grants for import of cryogenic equipment that was critical for the new laboratory.
Dean had sensed that haemetology lab was only a smoke screen for her visit and he was preparing himself for the bomb that she was going to drop any time now.He waited patiently..Even though he was prepared , he was still cought unawares when she floored him with a very simple question outside the pale of haemetology.
‘who is Dinanath? I want to see him.’

Bj medical college enrolled every year 9oo fresh students and at any point of time, there would be around 4000 people in the campus including the students, staff.So it is difficult to remember every ones name.So the dean asked with a stupid expression in his face
”A student?”
‘Yes.Isuppose so , must be a fresher or second year student, as he is said to be only twenty years old.He is also a welknown singer’
“Oh, That Dinanath!Yes, of course I know him .A splendid chap,full of old world charm,all courtesy. Will make a good doctor, I am sure.”

‘Is he a good student? How is he provided for? Has he ever come to you about any funds problem at any time?’

“He has been here for 6 months.The first sem is still away, so we don’t know much about his present performance in academics. But he has come through from a good college with very good marks, so he can be expected to do well.Why this interest in that Boy? Any problem with him?”
‘How is he regarded as a singer?’
“Pretty well,I think.Iheard him once when he sang at the freshers party.He almost killed the party mood by singing a bhajan. But he was so good that the boys allowed him to complete the song.Otherwise, they would have killed him on the first day for being a party pooper.”
‘Iwant to meet him’
‘Yes now, if you don’t mind.’
“Ofcourse, Iwill send for him”
The dean turned to his computer to locate the class teacher associated with Dinanath and instructed an attendant to fetch Dinanath.

While they waited for Dinanath to make his appearance, they indulged in some mundane discussion with out too much enthusiasm.Slowly Dean asked Kadambari about her interest in Dinanath.

Kadambari lied brilliantly,The government was going to send a delegation of cultural artiste to USA and Dinanath ‘s name was given to her for assessment before finallising. So she was keen on seeing him and invite him for a chamber concert for a select audience , before sending her recommendations.

The dean accepted her statement at face value. Dinanath arrived , a calm and composed young man. He did not try very much to hide his irritation at being dragged from an interesting lab work, just to satisfy the curiosity of Dean and his famous visitor.
Kadambari let loose her charm.When a sixty year old lady wants to impress a twenty year old youngman, you can imagine how sweet the lady can be.She apologized profusely for disturbing him and dragging him out of an important assignment and thanked for coming so promptly.She said what she had to tell him was also very important.
Dinanath was not impressed.He replied politely

‘It is alright madam.Iam here. Please tell me what is that you want to tell me.’

Kadambari was not the type to be pushed.She took her own time in responding.She believed in an elaborate buildup for coming to the point.Her mission of the day was to make Dinanath to accept her invitation to sing at her house as per B’s wish. Sohanlal had failed and she could not.She realized that the youngster’s back was up.And it was not going to be so easy. Dinanath had no idea what she was going to ask and there was no way he could connect her with Sohanlal. Sohanlal had made it clear that he had not even started talking about the subject before being shoed out.

Kadambari said, patronizingly, ‘Dinanath, Iam one of your fans.Ihave listened to all the 4 albums released so far by you.Iam very impressed.So I wish to invite you to visit our house, so that other members of my family can meet with you and listen to your music.We will not take too much of your time. Just an hour maximum, just a couple of your Bhajans.That is all we want.Can you please accept our invite. Of course , we will compensate you for the time you spend with us which ever way you wish.You can indicate your most comfortable time when you can be free from your studies and we will arrange to take you to our house and drop you back here.As it is a purely personal and family matter it will be a small very informal gathering.Our family has always appreciated good music even though none of us know much music.’

Dinanath was very patient and very polite.’Madam, Iam still in the learning stage, my talents are raw and unrefined.Iam not at all sure that music will be my career .I am concentrating on becoming a good medicine man.Iam using my musical talent to help me through this medical education’

“Dinanath, career is your dicision, we will support you in your field.our present needs are simple. We just want to listen to you with in the confines of our house.We are aware that you are still raw.Getting hold of an uncut diamond is the first part of making the diamond great by cutting it and bringing out the luster and glory.You surely have a mentor to guide you through your path to glory. We just want to be a small catalyst in helping the process of your refinement.One small step for our sake may be a major step towards your realizing your potential.For the present, we like the idea of listening to you”

No madam, you are stretching a point.I appreciate your interest in my musical talent.Iwant to keep that talent under control. It should not decide my priorities in life.If Iam not careful , that is what will happen. One invitation from you may lead to many more such invitations from others and before long, Iwill be lost. Ineed to become a good doctor and Idont want any thing to take me way from my mission in life.So if you have any idea of promoting my musical talent, you would be wasting your good intentions on a wrong person.”

No I am not wasting my time.We like to listen to good music .We are not obsessed with music.Music serves a good purpose in our family get to gether.It is a rallying point for us. Our combined knowledge about the intricacy involved in music is next to zero.We are not in the habit of assessing any expertise, our need is entertainment , fulfillment of a desire .Your bhajans promise us that much.In this country bhajans have been sung for centuries and yet some one new comes along and adds a new dimension to the bhajan that is what we like and you can help us. Point is , will you say yes. To us.Okay. If your expectations are limited and I can be comfortable, you will not have to face too much of a disappointment.

Then , can I assume that you accept my invitation.

Yes madam.

That is very nice.I will give you a couple of days and you can choose a day most convenient to you
It is okay madam
One more question please,
Yes please.

Kadambari was not sure if she should ask that question.He looked at her waiting for her question.
‘ Why did you send Sohanlal away when he came to invite you?
The youngman was silent for a moment and then asked
‘Is sohanlal involved in this matter, madam?’

The youngster’s mood changed suddenly. The question was put brutally hard

“Yes, Sohanlal , is a part of our household”

‘Then madam, I am sorry , I can not accept your invitation. If you will excuse me, I would like to return to my class.

He did not wait for her reply, he simply burst out of the room

The boy was gone leaving a perplexed Kadambari and irritated Dean. She was annoyed , She had handled it all well till she dropped Sohan’s name. She could not understand why the boy changed his mind after hearing Sohan’s name. She knew Sohan was a good man and as far as she knew he had no enemies, yet the boy was very vicious , the animosity displayed was frightening.
Putting her disappointment away she decided it would be interesting to investigate Sohan to understand the boy’s attitude towards him.


Next day , at her spacious office suite,Kadambari asked the personnel department to send the file on Sohanlal. Even though Sohan had been with the firm for quite a long time and member of the inner circle that ran the business end of B’s empire, Kadambari realized that she had not looked into his file for quite some time. So she was no less surprised when the personnel department sent back a thick , heavily sealed dossier along with a blue folder.Kadambari looked at the three large red circles on the front of the dossier which meant that the seal can be opened only by the members of the family.Sohan merited an exclusive dossier because he handled very sensitive affairs of the company, which are normally taken up by family and very small close circle of friend enjoying total trust of the family and proven trust worthiness of the individual. Kadambari thought that for ascertaining the simple reason for an ordinary singer to reject an invitation from B, THERE WAS NO NEED TO BREAK THE SEAL OF THE DOSSIER,.So she dropped the dossier and concentrated on the contents of the folder.Unlike normal files, this one was thick with lot of newspaper clippings featuring Sohan.There were also some unopened sealed envelopes carrying B’s personal seal.All these were to only emphasise the point that Sohan was not an ordiary employee but some one who had earned the respect and trust of the family over long period of association. Kadambari decided to read through the folder and take B’s permission to open the dossier if it became necessary

She read and as she read, she began to appreciate all that sohan had contributed and why B treated him as another son and why her two sons always sought Sohan’s counsel when ever they ran into problem with their fatherB.

She closed the folder and put it away.Two points struck odd .There was no mention about personal life of Sohan after he came into the company and why he was single all his life.Kadambari began to interact with Sohan only after he was included in the board and she was blissfully ignorant about his personal life while he was an executive.She knew that B had rated him very high and took care of his advancement in the company affairs over the years.She made a mental note to ask B, WHY Sohan remained single?

By now she was tired of thinking and wasting so much of her precious time on a stupid singer.She plunged into other pending works which were screaming for her attention.
Sohan’s name kept on turning up in every work she took up, making her wonder what the company would do if he ever dropped dead all of a sudden. That prospect really scared her as she realized that with B withdrawing Sohan was slowly filling his shoes.Was B grooming Sohan up as his successor, was the question upper most in her mind as the evening wore off. She decided it was time to pose the question to B.

That evening she left her office early and got into the car .The driver handed over a small note .It was from Sohan , On it was scribbled”personnel told me that you had asked for my file.Did you want some thing?

Kadambari laughed aloud startling the driver. So sohan knew every thing that happened in the office.Was there a sense of apprehension in her mind? She decided to let go the point. The drive from Colaba to cumballa hill was fast and smooth.The three storied building was called Gwalior house.A uniformed attendant opened the door.On the way to her room she peeped into B’s living cum bedroom and heard his shout “come on in.”She said ,’ in a moment’.It took greater part of an hour for her to wash up, change and be ready to present herself in front Of B as his dutiful wife.

They had a quiet dinner and after dinner over a cup of coffee , Kadambari raised the topic of Dinanath and mentioned to B how she failed to win over Dinanath.B did not react .She asked if he knew any thing more about Dinanath.B pursed his lips and shook his head with out letting out a word. Kadambari knew he was in deep thought. She decided to wait for him to open out.B’s thoughts ran on familiar lines in the form of question answers.Dinanath was meeting Sohanlal for the first time and sohanlal was not an ordinary person.So why was Dinanath rude?

Sohanlal seemed to know why Dinanath was rude.He was not very keen to talk about it. Further he had requested B not to insist on sohan to liaise with Dinanath.He wanted to avoid furthercontact with the youngman .Why?

How did they settle on Dinanath’s name?Normally , they would only call an established name who knew about B’S family get together..Kadambari said she remembered that conversation very well.They were talking about a new generation of singers who were making news. They talked about Ajmal Khan’s sons, They talked about Mukesh’s son and the doctor dropped Dinanath’s name.

Was Sohan present when they talked about inviting Dinanath?B realized that Sohan came in pretty late that evening and had missed most of the discussions.Even Kadambari had excused herself early.So that left only her sons and the doctor From Lonavala who was a special guest that day.B remembered that name of Dinanath was suggested by that doctor.

They had talked about musical families of Poona and the perulekar’s family. They talked about the tragic road accident that had almost wiped out the entire family of Perulekar.B remembered that Sohan was very upset about the accident.That was nearly 30 years back when Sohan had just started his career with B.B remembered the funeral arrangements clearly . Sohan’s father Anil Inamdar had flown in from Gwalior to attend the final cremation of the bodies.Entire musical fraternity of Poona had assembled on the banks of Mula river.There was a murmer of surprise when Sohan lit the pyre.B remembered that much very clearly.

B had always wanted to know what made Sohan perform the final rites.Sohan ‘s father had dodged the question and B never dared to ask Sohan .So there was some thing about Sohan they did not know about. B reviewed the entire thirty year association with Sohan and could account for every phase of his life. Yet he had missed some thing.Then He remembered about Anjali and sat up with a start.Anjali wasa Perulekar and for a very brief period, there was a talk about Sohan having an affair with Anjali.He had even talked to Sohan’s father about allowing them to tie the knot and he did not approve.He thought that was the end of it,even though rumours were floating for some time.Was it just a rumour or there was some thing more to it. B was intrigued.He thought the proverb “CHIRAG THALE ANDHERA was very apt. Sohan had all along worked right under B’s nose and yet there was some thing he did not know about.In coming to the conclusion,Bwas not very honest with himself.He knew all about Sohan and his affair.But for the present situation of Dinanath,he did not belive that past could give any logical reason. The boy was arrogant and he had his own code in life and he did not like Sohan’s face. Like love at first sight, hate can also be instantaneous, he surmised.yet the issue bothered him

B decided he would investigate. Kadambari said Forget Dinanath and look for new name. That night when they hit the bed,they had same thought in their mind.
Sohan dominated their mind.


Sohan returned from B’s house very much tired and a little frustrated. It never helped when you had cultivated a habit of getting every thing right over a long period,to be suddenly faced with a situation of having to report a failure, however insignificant the issue may be. A singer saying no to a contract is not an earth shattering event.The sky would not crash over your head.Singers were dime a dozen, so he thought.So why all the heart burn, Sohan asked himself, as he eased his car into the parking slot in the cellar of his apartment building.Wearily, he climbed out of his car, gathered his briefcase and some papers and walked with heavy steps to the elevator.He pressed the button marked 7 and the lift climbed lazily.With his own latchkey he opened the door and saw his batman housekeeper waiting reverentially with a plastic smile ready on an old but pleasant face.Sohan called him Bapu.He was a distant and poor relative of his father with out any attachment. Father had insisted that he would stay with sohan and look after him. So Bapu was a care taker, guardian, cook and guide depending on Sohan’s need.He knew every need of Sohan, did not talk much and took his work very seriously.Bapu had one look at Sohan, grabbed the suitcase and other papers and led the way into his room.He had already kept the bath ready with fresh towels and change of clothes. A hot cup of tea was on the table.Sohan removed his shoes, rolled the socks into a bundle and missed the basket by a yard. Bapu removed the shoes away , collected the empty cup and watched him walk slowly towards the bathroom.

A hot and cold shower and a vigorous rub down with his towel seemed to work wonders .He was whistling a popular tune as he changed into his evening casuals and took his seat at the dinner table. The clock ,showed . nine and as though visuals were not sufficient chimed in the time disturbing the stillness of the room.Sohan looked around the room.Every thing looked clean , neat and manly. There was no hint of feminine touch any where around him. The crockery on the table though costly was plain and functional with out any fancy painting or graphics.He had picked them up at a side street shop in downtown paris ina jumble sale..The steaming food in the porcelain bowls was inviting. After three rotis and a portion of subji, washed down by a tall glass of creamy lassi, He felt human again.

He moved over to his bedroom over looking the Arabian Sea.The windows were open and he enjoyed the salt tinged moist wind sweeping over him.The room was a pleasantly lit, his bed looking warm and inviting.The other corner had his working desk with a customary hooded table light and a modern state of the art computer, plugged in and always ready.On the side of desk was a stack of mail that had come by the morning post.The top one carried the address of a poona firm and it triggered off a chain of memory of the days past.Poona was the place, where his professional career began and he had some very pleasant memories of those early days.There were also some not very pleasant memories.The tangle with the singer and the present memory train of old poona days, brought a wry smile on his face.He closed his eyes and allowed the nostalgia to overwhelm him as the slideshow began in his mind, with soft background music of a forgotten Marathi bhajan.

He had promised his client that he would drop him at the famous Ravindra natya mandhir auditorium in time for the concert in case they closed the deal under negotiation.It was a sufficient incentive to force an agreement and Sohan had happily signed up a very profitable deal for his company.So he was more than eager to oblige his client.As he pulled his heavy car in the front porch of a crowded auditorium , he was raced by another car , a sturdy Ambassador which pulled up ahead of him at the porch leaving a fuming Sohan helplessly watch.She stepped out of the car, dangling her feet first and her body emerged slowly.A pretty head turned towards him and waved her hands saying , “so sorry to rush like this.Iam already late for my concert”
With out waiting for his response she strode away her long legs in a hurry to reach the stage.Sohan gripped his wheel tightly while his companion blew a wolfish whistle and said’my, what a beauty’

Sohan asked desperately “who the hell was that tornado?”

‘Why, Don’t you know that was Anjali, anjali Perulekar, the famous singer!’

Sohan had driven away from that scene , leaving his client to enjoy the concert.The image of Anjali stayed with him till he reached his home that evening.

Sohan suddenly sat up in his bed with a strange feeling that Anjali was trying to come back into his life again.He could not understand whatever had given him that feeling.He allowed his mind to continue to dwell in the past as the thought of Anjali seemed to fill him with some comfort.He tried to recall how the next meeting with Anjali came about.

Some one had come to his office with a proposal for sponsorship for a seven day musical samaroh being planned in the city of Poona. B had dispatched the party to Sohan to work out the details if Sohan was sure it would give the company some mileage.B was in the process of starting his new project in medicare which required a mass contact strategy before public offer was made.Sohan had to decide whether the samaroh represented a great opportunity to establish a powerful public image for B’s company. B always depended on Sohan’s inputs before taking his own decision.

Sohan listened to party’s pitch with detached interest. Music had always turned him off right from childhood.So even though he was the scion of a very famous household in Gwalior,his approach to anything connected with music was no go.All that changed the moment the party dropped Anjali’s name.The man held out a list of singers who were going to sing during the samaroh.Sohan went through the list recognizing many names known to his father.Anjali’s name figured twice, first for the inaugural show and then again on the penultimate day.In order to carry the music to all the corners of the city, the organizers had hired seven big auditoriums across the city so that every one did not have to rush to ravindra natya mandhir to listen to their favourite.The man assured him that people of Poona appreciated good music and every day would see sell out crowd in every auditorium across the city.Sohan was convinced that it was an excellent opportunity to establish B ‘s brand image firmly in the minds of people of Poona.Sohan got permission to negotiate the terms.AFTER A COUPLE OF ROUNDS OF DISCUSSION AND INSPECTION OF THE AUDITORIUM, HE SIGNED UP AN AGREEMENT WITH CONDITION THAT B would chair the inaugural seesion.Sohan knew that his decision was inspired by the prospect of getting to know more about Anjali.Some where in his heart Anjali had already started singing .

The samaroh was a great success.Sohan’s acumen in tying up with the media, the advertisement blitz and the newly emerging Tv ensured that his company was established firmly in every poona man.Sohan had met Anjali half a dozen times and after every meeting , they seemed to enjoy more one another’s company.

Sohan ensured that B had sent invitation to Anjali to sing at the time of inauguration of medicare programme with the opening of their first hospital on the government granted land adjacent to tarachand hospital with Dr Rajghare as a dean.Anjali was head over heels about Sohan and she was prepared to walk to the end of the world hand in hand with Sohan.

Bhad adviced Sohan to seal the relationship with Anjali in a formal manner.Anjali was also eager.It was decided that when B visited Delhi/Gwalior next, he would broach the subject with Sohan’s parents and ask them to initiate talks with Anjali’s parents as per convention.Sohan did not want to show too much eagerness in front of his parents, so that they can assess Anjali’s matter unbiased.Knowing B’s capacity to browbeat every one into submission,Sohan was sure he would return from Delhi with full blessings of his folks.Sohan assured Anjali that it was only a matter of time for their marriage which would give sanctity to their already very close relationship.Anjali was very happy, even though in a remote corner of her soul she had some apprehension as she had not confided to her parents as to how far she had gone in her relationship with Sohan.During the music festival , her father had many occasions to meet with Sohan and she knew that he had a good impression about Sohan.The promise of green signal from Sohan’s side, made her bold.

Sohan remembered the fateful day when B called Sohan over to his place, to brief him about some new project which would take Sohan away for some time.He had just returned fromDelhi/Gwalior and Sohan hoped there would be some news about his discussion with Sohan’s parents in Gwalior.Kadambari also had hinted about it in their brief meeting even though she did not much about Sohan’s affair with Anjali.

Sohan went to B’s house and found that B’s sons were also present along with Kadambari.It looked more like a board meeting. Infact it was.Binformed Sohan that Board had decided to include Sohan as a director for a new automobile ancilliary project to be implemented in association with Honda as a feeder unit for their plants.Sohan was thrilled to hear that news as Sohan had been pressing B for looking at oppurtunities in Thailand as it was emerging as an asian tiger and Honda had been talking to B TO PREPARE HIS COMPANY FOR GREATER ROLE in automobile industry which would very soon hit India too.So a tie up with Honda in Thailand was a dream come true for Sohan.B said Sohan would be running the show and he would commit next 5 years of time shuttling between India and Thailand.

Sohan was excited , no doubt. B ut he had come to B’s house with a hope of learning some thing about his talks with his parents in Gwalior.So once the official discussions about the project was over and B’s sons had retired to their rooms, Sohan asked hopefully, if B had some news from his home.

B remained silent for some time. Sohan watched Kadambari move closer to B and stand beside him, trying to stop him.B said softly,”Yes Sohan dear, I visited your house and spent quite some time with your people.I had taken a few pictures of Anjali taken during the music festival.He was not very happy about what I had to say.It is your father’s wish that you should not get entangled with Anjali any more.He has also entrusted the task of finding a suitable bride for you to Kadambari here. The decision about Thaailand was to help you to get out of the scene with out upsetting any one.”

Sohan was stunned.The only word that came out of his mouth was’Why?’

B continued to be soft and kind,”Sohan , it is a long and a very unpleasant story, which you should not worry about.You get on with your project and everything will be well.”
Sohan could not take that .

Sohan, let me tell you that Anjali is a splitting image of your grand mother.There had been many marriages between your family and that of Perulekar’s and they have’nt been very happy ones.Your father wants to save you from similar heart breaks and misery.please pay heed to his wishes.Forget Anjali. You must get away .We will clean up the mess.”

Sohan was silent , shaking his head and muttering to himself’this can not be happening’He could not argue withB because it was not his decision.He was only conveying what his father had wanted to say.But he can not disown Anjali, a duty pressed him.He believed in maintaining a code of honour and that code started with keeping a faith and the relationship between him and Anjali was not anything that could be disowned.He knew it was his turn to act

He rushed back to his rooms and put in a call to Anjali. She responded with her usual charm and enthusiasm which hurt Sohan to the core. He said”Yes ,Sohan here.Let us meet immediately . We have to talk and decide on many things.Incidently , Iam now a director and we have to move to Thailand on a new project.Anjali will you come with me to Anjali”

‘Sohan that is a great news.And about going to Thailand,Sohan , you know that if you hold my hand I will walk with you to end of the world, nothing would make me happier.’.
“That is nice Anjali. Be present at Poona club by 5-00pmWe really have to decide many things Anjali.”
He put the phone down with out giving any chance to talk any more.


With trembling hands,Anand Perulekar, tore open the white envelope, to take out the letter .The envelope had triggered some very unpleasant memories, especially the golden monogram of the Gwalior fort, on the envelope and the right corner of the letter.It was like the coat of arms of royal families in the bygone days. The envelope was hand delivered by a courier, some time in the morning, but Anand was reluctant to open it .He spread the letter wide open and saw the dashing signature of Inamdar at the end of the letter.That name added to his discomfort because in the last 50 years or so, there had been no exchange of any correspondence between the houses of Perulekar and Inamdar of Gwalior.He read the letter slowly dwelling on each word, line by line, till he came to the chilling end.The letter was

Dear Anand
Much though , I would have liked to make this letter bring cheer , hope and reconciliation, I regret, I am not able to extricate myself from the mire of the past to begin a new chapter of cheerful communication with you...

….. Yes, I bring you some unhappy news.
I have just learnt that my son has been meeting your daughter Anjali. My request to you, Anand, is that before their relationship becomes irrevocable ,please advice Anjali to disengage herself.
I do not wish the past tragedies to strike our houses again.
I have seriously considered allowing the children to have their way, but a lurking fear for their safety tells me that they are heading the wrong way
We have spent 50 years of peaceful time away from one another and I want that peace to extend for long. That would be possible only when we stay away from one another. And maintain a status quo.
Please bear with me.
Pain is a dagger with two cutting edges.

With my very best wishes

Anil Inamdar

Trying to be calm,Anand folded the letter carefully and inserted the letter back into the torn envelope.He could feel the blood pressure rise,and an insane urge to scream was suppressed with great effort. Beads of perspiration dotted his forehead. He felt very hot and tight around the chest. His wife Krishna looked at him in alarm She said in a low tone ‘what is it?’
“Where is Anjali ?”He almost screamed.
‘she is talking on the phone.Ithink it is that Sohan Lal.’
“Do you know Sohan Lal’s family name?”
Why, it is Lal, possibly A punjabhi or UP?.Is any thing wrong?’

Anand held up the envelope and said”Krishna, this letter says your Sohan is an Inamdar”
Her eyes opened wide with alarm,’Oh No, Oh No , God what are you trying to do?’It was almost a wail.’We must stop Anjali before she gets too much involved, but I am afraid, she has gone deep.’

Anjali rushed into the room , her eyes wide with excitement, her face was bright and shining, the happiness bringing out her pinkish complexion to the fore.She squeeled”That wasSohan dad.He has got a new assignment in Thailand and he has to leave in the next two months. He wants to talk to you dad’

That is good news Anjali, about his going to Thailand, that is good news.There is nothing to talk about, dear. Let him go his way and you mind you go the right way.Let him go Anjali.
‘What are you saying , Dad?’
She had thrown a question, he did not want to answer. H e tried to be difficult.He could not..He simply extended the letter towards her.
What is this? She grabbed the letter and as she read line after line, disbelief and alarm,shattered her poise.
She cried out in pain
What is this letter dad?
It is no go my child.from both sides. You must disengage and move away and let him move away.
No, dad. Our relation has moved beyond the norms and limits of mental and physical barriers.We can not disengage now.

Then you are doomed, my child.his voice was hoarse and he burst out crying

In between sobs he said”Perulekars and Inamdar lived together in Gwalior right from Panipat.There was always an under current of doubt and distrust between the two families even though everybody thought we were very closely knit families. Every time some body tried to reconcile and bring the families closer,disaster struck in strange ways.It happened almost in every generation.They believed it was because of some curse.My father moved out of Gwalior away from the overbearing Inamdars to this house in Poona and in the last 50 years we have been mostly safe and peaceful.Now the shadow of Inamdar is trying to cover us again Anjali , please listen to me.You havea duty to save yourself and this family. Please move away from Sohan’

Daddy, be rational You are talking like an imbecile about storybook curse and trying to scare me too. If sohan wants me, I will go
.That is what my grandfather too thought. H e is said to have spoken the same words that you said , about being rational. He married purushottam’s sister against every ones advice. The bandits caught him and cut him to pieces.M y grand mother died of shock. That is when the family decided to move out .Believe me, there is a curse.

She just would not hear about it.Her mind was made up.she would go to sohan

Anand watched with painfilled eyes.He was a rational man normally.He hoped history will not repeat itself. He watched Anjali step out of the house, with her head held high
He did not stop her. Krishna wailed loudly unable to control herself. The sound of the car racing out of the garage, drowned her wails.

Anand did not believe in curses but he could not ignore past events that seemed to indicate evil effects of some unknown curse.With misgivings piling up pressure, he looked like a trapped animal


At Poona club, sohan was playing with the tea cup killing time as he waited for Anjali to show up.It was a little early at the club and not many had shown up in that great dining hall. He looked around the room, neatly painted portraits of POONA’S LANDSCAPE , in gilt frames were neatly hung from the wall.Here and there he noticed pictures of Maratha warriors that attracted his attention. There was a picture of Sadhashiv rao, the Maratha general who was regarded as the most handsome man ever born. He died unfortunately in the battlefield of Panipat, by an unexpected bullet from a distant musket, handled by an unknown soldier.His fall led to the collapse of Maratha army in that war.Ahmadshah Abdali had ordered that the body of Sadashivrao was to be brought to him, so that he could look at the fallen hero.He conducted the funeral rites of his enemy befitting a great soldier.So even in defeat and death the Maratha leader had commanded respect.Sohan walked up to picture for a closer view.Some thing stirred in his heart and he thought of his own family which had also played a great part in the war.The face looked curiously familiar to him.In the glass frame of the picture, he sawAnjali running in.She was not her usual self, her hair dishevelled, face dirty due to tears wiped by bare hands.She located Sohan and ran into his open arms burying her chest in his broad chest.He patted her back and led her to the table. He had prepared his pitch that would have bulldozed her into submission with out a second thought. Instinctively he knew that she had also heard some thing from her own parents.So he waited for her to begin.He ordered some coffee and some snack as he was very hungry.

He wanted to tell her ,”Don’t worry Anjali. We will do it properly.As long as you say yes and are ready to hold my hand, we can face this storm to gether. We will get married .”He was hoping she would look up, smile and say that would be very nice, Instead she said in a tragic tone,’my dad had said No.There was a letter from your father suggesting that we should disengage.Iam shattered, sohan.’

Sohan stood up and held her handand said softly, ’They have reasons , no doubt. But we will ignore them. We will get married just now and start our life in a far away land.We will live as husband and wife, with out fear or bias.Just give me a few days time to set up a place in Thailand. This assignment has come up at right time.Bangkok is calling us Anjali’

In Poona, there was a strange practice. Desperate lovers generally ran away to Alandhi to get married quickly. The registrars office at Alandhi was open 24 hrs to help eloping couples gain dignity. They gave marriage licence and certificate in a short notice of just two hours. Sohan had already arranged for two discrete witnesses to be available at Alandhi and he had also talked over phone to the registrar and police commissioner at Alandhi.
Anjali listened to all this with out thinking. She simply kept nodding her head to every thing. She had totally lost her composure.He said ‘we will do it to morrow. Just say yes and I will take care of every thing else’

He drove her home. He wanted to leave her at her room, talk to her father and tell him about his plans

There was no need for anything. Anand stood at the gate and he did not encourage any talk.He watched Sohan step out of the car, help Anjali get out.Anand in a fit of temper, dragged Anjali and pushed her into the house and slammed the door on Sohan’s face.Anjali ran to a near by window to look at Sohan.She was pushed violently inside and Sohan could distinctly hear the sharp sound of a slap and a stifled scream. He waited for a moment not knowing what to do. Then turned back and ran to the car.

At Anjali’s place,Anand was ina murderous mood. He put his face close to the girl’s and hissed his words,”My dear girl,did I not tell you to keep away from that chap.That man is embodiment of trouble.We have suffered enough in the past.Can’t you keep the past stay as it was.Do you have to prod it back to life again? why do you have to play it all over again?”He could not continue. Halfway into his talk, he lost control ,the later part of his sentence trailing off and he collapsed like an empty sack. krishna was certain he was heading for a stroke, she ran to him and helped him to a chair. Witha finger on her mouth she warned Anjali to keep quiet.Anand recovered.He waved a finger in front of her face and she could read his lips’this is the last warning. If you meet him again, I will personally kill you..If that happens you would have brought the curse on yourself, you mad idiot.

Anjali was shocked to see so much animosity. She pressed her forehead and controlled insane urge to shout at every one. Krishna led Anjali away to her room. Told her to stay put till she returned,Don’t move , understand ,stay put here.

She rushed back to see how, Anand was doing. He had moved to the bedroom and was lying down.His eyes were closed, there was line of wet tears in a soiled face.

She went back to Anjali.Both sat quietly for some time.Anjali said ‘AAYEE, I can not back out now.We are already committed to one another. Please tell me what is this curse that is scaring the life out of all of you.Iwant to know.
“It is along and sad story.But it is true.”
Anjali sat up to listen to the story.Krishna was silent, thinking .Suspense was not comforting Anjali, She screamed ,’Come on you must tell me ,AAYEEE.’
Krishna said calmly, ‘on second thought, if you are already commited, you are better off with out knowing about it.”
Tell me about it ma, so that I can be prepared for it.”
My child, you can not be prepared .It strikes all of a sudden , hits the person least connected but it hurts terribly’
How do you know?Have you ever experienced.

No not me.God has been kind to me till now and you have gone and triggered it all over again. My God what am I GOING TO DO ?Anand is already ina bad way.Ihave heard from my relatives in Gwalior, old people who knew.

Her tone was ominous.Anjali shivered.

Sohan had said he knew all about it. He believed all those who had suffered had done some thing very wrong. We have’nt done any thing wrong. Loving some one is not wrong in any book.I and Sohan have no fear of any curse.

She did not press her mother any more for the story.Krishna asked ‘Are you going to tell me about it?

Anjali told her every thing.Krishna said ,deva, save my child.She said a silent prayer.

End of part1

In the shadow Of panipat

In the lives many Marathi families who had accompanied the great Maratha Army to the north in the battle against The Afghan forces led by Ahmadsha Abdali , The Panipat war of Jan 1761 was a disaster of Himalayan proportion . 100 thousand families had accompanied the army to feel secure while they visited the holy places of North India . Little is known about the fate of many families and women who were captured and taken as slaves to the remote regions of Bhaluchistan and Afghanistan.Two month long devastating siege enforced by the Afghans who had covered and effectively blocked the southern routes of SUPPLY LINES FROM DELHI BARRACKS OF Maratha Army, led to mass starvation and loss of Morale Of MARATHA FORCES,as thehuge mass of pilgrims had to be fed and protected from the Afghan Marauders.So strategy became a casualty as desperation mounted ,forcing the Maratha generals to break the siege at any cost to open the southern supply routes.So the pressure on the enemy who was very effectively bottled up from east, west and North by superior Maratha forces ,eased and the flanks became a liability instead of strategic edge.The counter attack in the south proved too costly and the Army faced a rout.

Our Story starts at this point in History, Evening of 14 jan 1761, day of sankaranti, normally associated with festivities ended as a day of utter rout.The merciless Afghan army wielding long swords waded through a leaderless , starved army, intent on maximum damage. Fearing death and mutilation soldiers and civilians ran to save themselves from certain death .Of those who fled were two friends Perulekar and Inamdar.They madea swift get away, helping each other along .They were spotted, chased and surrounded but they hit out desperately.The Afhans were not too keen to get too far away from their camp, they gave up the chase.The two friends for once felt relieved and sure that they had escaped certain death.They rode long into the night till their horses dropped and died.WALKING,they spotted a small temple deserted because of war.The village had been evacuated fearing the Afghan attack.So the two friends were the only people in that temple.They decided to rest.They had seen a well and luckily for them Some one had left a rope and a brass pitcher handy. They threw the rope over the pulley and secured one end around the long neck of the pitcher. Which dropped into the water as the pulley rattled.The gurgle of water entering the pitcher sounded sweet to their ears used the shrieks of pain and fear of the battle.The water felt cool and refreshing.They washed themselves clean and felt the pangs of hunger.There were many fruit bearing trees in the temple compound.They had a thing against plucking fruits from trees in the night but hunger overruled beliefs and soon they were munching on lush guava fruits.They slept fitfully waking up every now and then ,keeping one ear tuned to hear the footfalls of hostile intruders.

Un known to them , there was a third man inside the temple.He was a Vaid, personal attendant of Vishwas Rao , the Maratha general, younger brother of PESHWA who had fallen in the battleThe Vaid was the last person to see him alive. He helped the general to be shifted to the tent where he spent a few moments alone with the great man who had led Maratha army to some of their glorious victories and expanding their empire right upto Yamuna river. Now that man was about to die and he wanted to tell the Vaid some thing important.With weak hands he pointed to the war chest and asked him to open it. Out of the chest, he removed one Idol covered with a muslin cloth.The Vaid took it to his master. He said, slowly removing the muslin cover and revealing shining gold idol of Bhavani Mata driving a trident into the chest of a fallen Demon. Vaid was mesmerized, his eyes wide open and heard what his master was telling., ”This is an idol worshipped by my family for generations,There are only two of this kind ever made. You must not let this fall into the hands of Mlechchas.You must leave immediately and work your way to poona and meet my brother and hand over the family treasure in his hand.This is very valuable and you must not allow this to fall on any wrong hands.You please tell Bajirao what went wrong here and how we lost this battle. He must regroup and come back to destroy theseAfghan hordes who have no respect for our religion or culture. You have served my family well. You will be suitably rewarded when you reach poona.”Then he asked for some writing material and quickly drafted a brief letter of fare well to his brother. The effort was too much .He held the Vaid’s hands and uttered the war cry of Marathas ‘harahara mahadev’ and fell on the camp cot.The Vaid covered the body touched the feet and got out of the tent carrying the gold idol and letter in a cloth bag. The master’s sword was in his hand and he felt like a new man.He fought his way out of the battle field and grabbed An Arabian Horse from a FALLEN Afghan noble and raced awayWhen the night fell he had covered lot of territory and found his horse was totally exhausted.He himself was terribly wounded with so many cuts on his body He had lost lot of blood. Running on sheer will power and a mission to be completed in his mind , he carried on. A vinayak mandhir looked like a good place to stay for the night. He walked around the compound , entered the sanctum where Ganesha’s idol was installed. He dropped the bag and collapsed on the floor losing his consciousness.

He came to his senses when he heard the rattle of the pulley at the well when some body was drawing water.He could hear the pure Poona accent Marathi being spoken.He thought if these strangers were also running away from the war front, it may be good idea to seek their help to make his way to Poona. Possibly they were also working in that direction. Poona was a thousand miles away and he needed help urgently.But he was not sure of these strangers. Gold can wreck a mans character and greed is never far away from a beaten man. These people may be absolutely harmless but one never knew and what he was carrying was very very sacred and important. Suddenly he remembered the bag and in the early morning light , he saw the bag was in tact. He felt with his hands and was satisfied that the idol was there.He had foolishly slept leaving the bag out in the open. He should be more careful.From his confined place he could hear them talk.

‘What are your plans, friend, Poona is long way off?’

That is true.We are in no condition for a long journey.We must plan to settle some where near.This land is still under Maratha rule. I do not think the Afghans will advance any more. They have also suffered heavily.Even though they won this battle , they are in no position to move forward.We have stopped their southward march surely inspite of the rout.
But this place is as foreign to me as Nepal is.The language is different, people are different.
‘Gwalior looks to be a promising place. Scindia did not suffer much and He can be expected to recover fast.Also in Gwalior, there are more Marathi peole. We can merge with them’
What do we do for a living?
“Oh , I can sing and teach music. I come from a family of classical singers. Only I was foolish enough to join Peshwas Army. How about you?Do you have any skills?”

My people were Vakils.I studied great deal of Law.I was involved in administration of new territories won by our army. It was great time as long as we were on the winning side.Now we are out on the road not knowing where the next meal is going to come from?.He laughed ruefully.
“So we go to Gwalior.What do we do once we reach. We need some money to settle down.Ihave nothing to sell.’
Do not worry .I have a diamond ring.It will help us to start.
The other man was happy to hear the word us .He felt grateful.

The Vaid had heard all this conversation.he sensed a note of desperation in their outlook.There was no passion in them to go back to poona. He did not like their professions .A SINGER AND A VAKIL BAD COMBINATION. Singers were all parasites always hanging around a patron,indulge in base acts , never healthy, always nursing some secret ugly disease. He had seen many of them coming to his father for treatment. They had no character , he felt strongly.

The other one a vakil!.He had never heard of an honest vakil in his life time.They reveled in duping people, playing one against another and making money in between.He would stay away from them he decided.

He was worried about the Idol. If it ever fell in these people ‘s hand they will pawn it to the nearest pawn broker and run away with a fortune.He held the bag close to his chest. He wanted to look at the idol. H e slowly opened the bag and unwrapped the idol.It was all gold and heavy. Priceless gems embedded in the idol were shining in the semi darkness of early spring morning.The ruby at the forehead , a string of diamonds in the length of the trident, opals in the eyes of the demon, sparklers on the eyes of the tiger.The face was absolutely alive and beautiful.Mata, how did you let down your people, he seemed to be telling .While he was admiring the idol, the friends had un intentionally walked toward the sanctum and the vaid retired to the dark corner away from the stone Ganesh Idol.

They did not enter. From outside, they bowed and talked about the IdolThe singer said, ’ The idol is big and well looked after.I feel like singing after a long time’
He began to sing a sloka on Ganesha “vakra thunda mahakaya
Suryakoti sama prabha
Nirvignam kuru deva
Sarva karyeshu sarvadha
It was rendered very well. The voice was well trained and he sounded like an accomplished singer. Vaid thought he would do well in Gwalior, where people had more time for music.
They had noted his presence inside the sanctum.They were on guard now, their swords ready, The vakil said in an authoritative voice :”we have seen you . You can come out. be warned that we are armed.We will not harm you .”
Vaid cursed himself silently.
The other man said , “ it is okay. We recognize you. We have seen you at the main tent. You are the Vaid’
The Vaid did not move from his place.quickly he stuffed the idol along with the wrappings into his cloth bag and hoped they had not seen his idol.
They had noted that the Vaid was very weak and looked emaciated.He had suffered enormously during the two month long siege enforced by the Afghan sources at the southern butt of Maratha formation.He had hoped that the two friends would have some food with them.He tried to be friendly but was watchful.

The two friends had seen the jewelled idol.In the after math of the prolonged starvation and terrible defeat, they had lost all faith as they blamed their gods for the defeat suffered by them.What they saw in that Idol was not a divine symbol worshipped by the fallen Peshwa kin but an object that can be used as a resource in their attempts to resettle themselves in life at Gwalior/They decided to take it out of Vaid’s hands even if it meant that they have to take the extreme step of killing him.They had killed before , so killing was not anything new or so unnerving or abhoring. It did not matter that he was not an enemy. He was one of their own, belonging to same region and bound by ties of language, culture,religion and other matters. Al l that mattered to them was that he was in possession of some thing useful to them. Their greed overweighed the scruples of a life time.Yet their upbringing stopped them some how.They saw no point in killing a man who was already on the edge of grave, just helping along could do the trick.So they decided to wait and watch before indulging in a dastardly act of murder.They could not go anywhere with out money and the idol was their best bet.

Vaid had read their mind accurately.He knew they would finish him off at the slightest hint from his side of any attempt to escape.All he wanted to do was to protect himself till he completed the task given to him by the fallen leader.He said a silent prayer to his god Dhan vantry, WORSHIPPED BY ALL MEDICINE MEN OF YORE.

That night fate played its hand.The Vaid slept in his corner inside the sanctum and a snake entered that room.Crawling in the dark, the snake disturbed the earthern pitcher containing water.THE WATER RAN OUT IN THE WAY OF SNAKE.It tried to move out of the way and in the process climbed over the leg of sleeping Vaid,who had woken up when the pitcher toppled over and saw in the dark the snake clinging to his leg. Petrified with fear, he let out an involuntary scream and jerked his leg to throw the snake away. The snake responded by spreading its hood and snapped at the jerking leg.The vaid saw the snake strike and screamed again and fainted.The snake slithered away into the dark.

The two friends sleeping outside, also heard the toppling pitcher and rush of water followed by a terrifying scream.They got up in a hurry and grabbed their swords and rushed inside the sanctum.The moonlight was shining in through the gaping holes in the ceiling, they could see the snake escape into the darkness.They bent over the now inert body of the vaid and felt for the pulse in the neck and wrist.There was no life as the pulse was weak and eyes un focused.They had heard the scream , seen the serpent and guessed the rest. The inertness of the body confirmed their deduction and felt relieved. They did not have to kill now. Fate had played its hand.There was no feeling of guilt. They looked for the cloth bag and located the bag and the idol.It was wrapped in a muslin cloth and roll of wasteclothes.There was also parchment containing the message scripted by the fallen peshwa. In the dim light , they could read,’This is the property of the family of Peshwa of Poona. If this is found anywhere outside the premises of the Peshwa, it must be returned to the right owner immediately.’

The two friends laughed aloud.The right ful owner was 1000 miles awayand we have no intention of returning it to the rightful owner, the family heirloom.We have made enough sacrifices for our country, mother land, leader and the bagwa flag.It is pay back time, now.They had made a decision . they would now grab the idol and move. They rolled the parchment into a ball and threw it on the face of fallen Vaid..They put the idol back in the bag as it was before , put the bag over the singer’s shoulder and walked out.They were now convinced that God had served them well, equipping them with a resource they could use to raise money required for ther rehabilitation in Gwalior.They had no qualms about leaving the Vaid behind in the temple while they made a swift get away.

On the way to Gwalior, they stopped at an isolated place. Using their sword point , they worked loose , the embedded gems in the idol. There were in all 36 stones, which they shared equally. It was decided that the singer will keep custody of the idol and decide on its disposal after they settle down in the new place.They felt their life was made and anew life beckoned them as the day broke over the gates of Gwalior city.


The Vaid came to consciousness after a long time.He opened his eyes slowly and looked around him.He realised he was all alone. He had a very clear memory of the snake climbing over his leg,the way he screamed and jerked his leg to throw off the snake.He remembered the broad hood of the snake , the hiss and sudden way the snake snapped at him .He knew it was a cobra and felt relieved that the snake had not bitten ,and he was lucky enough to be alive. He had fainted because of intense fear men always had about snakes.He could afford to smile now.As his condition improved ,he could also remember other things.With sudden alarm, he scrambled to look for his cloth bag, his eyes clouding with dismay as the cloth bag was no where near him. There was a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach to realise that the bag with its precious contents was gone. He staggered out of the sanctum screaming the names of the two friends. The echoing silence was deafening.The two friends had already decamped taking away the glorious idol of the Peshwe family that was entrusted to him to be restored at their family puja room.An intense rage engulfed him and a hoarse pitiable cry of pain and anguish pierced the emptiness of the temple, followed by stream of terrible words of abuses and curses burst forth from his mouth.He held his sword upright and swore a terrible vengeance .He vowed that he he would not rest till he secured back the lost idol and returned to the place it belonged.

He sat in a corner and cried for some time cursing himself for being weak and helpless and allowing the hijacking of the idol.With the passing of a few moments, the rage subsided and sanity surfaced .He realised that his present physical condition did not allow him the luxury of going after the two friends.There was no point in crying over the spilled milk.He had to make a move towards reaching home and rehabilitate himself to better health and then plan to locate his enemies. He knew about their plans to go to Gwalior to re establish themselves. Now they had the necessary means.A singer and a vakil could relocate very comfortably , especially when they had sufficient resource es at their command.So he could find them in proper time. He considered various options Should he go back to poona?Empty handed ? wont that be ashame? But he had a duty to complete.He must meet up with the senior Peshwa and tell him about what happened and he could hand over that letter.After that he would be free to indulge in his mission of seeking his revenge.

The thought of handing over the letter reminded him about the letter.Did those rascal take away that also, he was asking himself. His misty eyes revealed the pain he felt as the image of a dying man trying to draft a farewell letter danced in front of him..He rushed back to the sanctum to look for the letter. The ball of parchment did not miss his probing eyes and he dived to get hold of that crushed mass of dirty parchment. He unfolded it carefully, smoothening the creases and folds.Luckily the letter was in tact. With great care and reverence, he rolled the document to be presented to the Peshwa in poona.He knew there was no mention in that missive about the idol.Incase any question was asked he will reply truthfully but on his own he will not volunteer any information.

Once the decision was made, he did not want to waste any time.He did not have anything on his person other than the clothes he wore, the long sword given him by the Peshwa and the letter he had hidden close to his chest under his shirt.He looked at the sword. The shining blade filled him with pride.He swung his sword across simulating a head chop.He smiled.

He walked towards the main highway leading south.Soon he joined a caravan of pilgrims returning home after their pilgrimage had ended in a disaster.They were a devastated lot, having lost many of their kin in the long siege, starvation, terrible winter and the uncultured Afghan hordes.The pious peasants, industrious tradesmen and ordinary people who formed the bulk of pilgrims only blamed their own fate , their own past misconduct and indifferent gods.They carried on , hoping things would be different once they reach their own homes in the heart of Maharashtra and villages around Pune.Our Vaid joined them un noticed by any one.He was one more number in the thousands that were walking back home.They managed food and water some how and after 40 days of punishing walk, they reached poona and Vaid stood in front of imposing gatesof Vishram baug wada where the elder Peshwa lived in poona.He was recognised and was taken to meet the great man.Parvathi devi, the wife of Sadhashiv bhau had already reached poona and briefed the family, so the Vaid did not have to tell them too much.He handed over the letter and watched the peshwa read through, with great composure.He hugged the Vaid and comforted him with kind words and appreciation of loyalty, which were like a balm to the troubled soul of vaid.Then when he was going to leave , the Peshwa asked hesitantly, “Vaid, do you know any thing about the Bhavani Idol that he had taken with him for his daily worship”

Vaid waited for a moment before replying.His voice choked and a tear suddenly appeared in his eyes which was noted by the Peshwa.Vaid said,’yes , sir.The idol was entrusted to me to be handed over to you , along with the letter.But unfortunately I was too weak to stop two robbers from stealing the idol away from me..Iam sorry ,That is the truth.’
The Peshwa looked at Vaid for a long time and decided that he was telling the truth.He asked
“Do you know them?Were they our people?”
‘Idid not know before, I learnt that later only. Yes, sir, they are our own people.I will know them any place, if fate makes them run into my way’.Vaid was angry
Peshwa put a hand on Vaid ‘s shoulder to calm him down. He said slowly,”They wont run into you, I know their type. So you will go after them and get it for me, won’t you , Vaid?”
That is what I promised myself. I wanted to do that after I hand over that letter.Now I am at peace with myself .I will go after them
“You know where to find them?”
Yes, sir.Iknow .Gwalior.
“Yes , Gwalior abounds in traitors. May you be strong enough to get back our family heirloom which has stayed with us for centuries”

The Vaid bent down on one knee and put his head at the feet of Peshwa and said loudly ‘Sir, I ,Vaid Ghadkari promise you now that I will not rest till I restore your family heir loom .In case I fail in my mission my family will continue the quest till the Idol adorns your puja room again.It will happen , trust me.’

The Peshwa embraced the Vaid and Said, “Yes Iam sure you will succeed in your mission.Here

Iwill make sure that you prepare yourself properly for your arduous task.’
He called his Munshi and asked him to hand over to Vaid a bag of gold coins and a dagger with jewelled handle.If you run out of gold, the dagger will come in useful to raise more money.”
Vaid bowed again and walked away towards his house in the bylanes of thulasi baug.


It was karthik poornima day , exactly 11 months after the fateful sankaranthi day at Panipat,that found an energetic looking Vaid standing at the gates of Gwalior city.In his eyes, there was strength and in the way he moved, there was purpose. He had a mission to complete and he was well prepared for it. He spurred his horse ahead on the main pathway and looked around. The city had recovered faster than he expected after the setback at Panipat.There was a festive look around the town, trade was brisk and people were moving about purposefully.They showed the great spirit of Marathas to lift themselves from the ground after the massive defeat suffered at Panipat.They had successfully put that setback behind and worked towards better tomorrow.Vaid also hoped that the city would help him in his mission. He wanted to accomplish what he had to and make a quick getaway.

He wanted information.He had to locate his enemies, know about their whereabouts, how they move about and what are they presently engaged in.He knew that the best place to obtain such information was at the barber’s place. The barbers are notoriously observant and talkative. Very little missed them and clients seem to talk more freely with a barber than their own wives or doctors or lawyers.He removed his cotton cap and shook his hair loose.It looked long , badly kept and needed to be dressed up.He had lot of time in hand and money to burn.He found a prosperous looking barbers shop and found a bored to death barber itching to get his hands on his head. Vaid occupied the raised seat and told the man to get on with it.The man got busy with his scissors and kept a long talk on state of affairs and all juicy details of who did what, to whom and how.Vaid helped with a few pointed question to keep the talk going in a particular manner.Slowly he let it be known that he was new to the city and that his wife and daughter would follow him very soon.He wanted to hire a good music teacher to teach his daughter music. He also wanted to buy some land and was looking for a reliable vakil.The Barber concluded rightly that he had a person of great means at his hands and by recommending good people he would make a good impression. Vaid had lot of patience.At the end of an hour , he got up from his high seat fully satisfied that he had all the information he wanted. He tossed a gold coin in the air and the barber caught it deftly with a big smile.

Vaid walked towards his horse tied to a banyan tree beyond the lake.As he walked he rviewed what he had learnt. Perulekar had installed himself as a respected music teacher and he gave occasional concert. That very evening at the local Dutta temple his concert was scheduled and people were eagerly looking forward to hear him sing..He had a place slightly out of the way from the city.He had married and rumour was that he was also expecting his first child.He moved about in a carriage that was drawn by a horse.He had a good team of accompanying artists to play the tabla and the tanpura.As per custom , he played an harmonium on his own as he sang.
About the best way to buy some land, Vakil Inamdar was the best bet.That fellow seemed to be owning a great deal of land around Gwalior. As honest as they come, the barber had said winking one eye as though he was passing on a great secret.Vaid knew where he lived.

By six thirty that evening , the Vaid was hiding under a peepul tree standing opposite the singer’s house. Being winter , the dusk had settled down fairly early and a fair complexioned lady was lighting the diyas all round the house.By six forty five , the family was on their way to Dutta mandir for the evening concert.Perulekar looked very handsome tall and healthy.his wife looked lovely in her orange lugdi sari and pearls in her ears, nose ring and around her neck. Even her hair was pinned in with clips of pearls

By seven, the Vaid was inside the house.He knew he was alone and he had sufficient time to make a thorough search un hindered..He was systematicallly looking at all places where one would hide valuables. Gwalior was known for bandits and singer was living a little out of the way from the city.So people found novel methods of hiding their valuables.He could not find any thing worth while, even after an half hour of search.Bitterly disappointed he started cursing the Gods for being biased in favour of traitors and thieves.Remembering Gods at that time brought to his mind anew idea.He had not looked at the puja room and immediately he struck pay dirt. There the idol stood not the shiny jewel crested idol but a nicely camouflaged idol painted black to hide the gold.The majestic look on the Bhavani’s face had been defaced, with out her decorative gems, which had been gouged out.In the dim light she looked pathetic.The depressions on the idol from where the gems once sparkled looked unpleasant.An insane rage emerged from his guts in the form of a terrible cry from his throat. ‘mataji , how did you allow those rascals to abuse you this way?why did those hands not rot immediately and drop off?Bhavani, your kindness is wasted when directed towards such people’

Having retrieved what he had lost, he did not waste much time.If Mata Bhavani would not mete out any punishment , he as a normal human being will punish them.He put the idol nicely wrapped in fine cloth borrowed from the puja room, into his cloth bag.He walked to the back yard where firewood was stored and distributed the logs and fine dry sticks all over the house .He found a casket of cooking oil which he poured all over. He lit a small stick in the flame of the silver dhiya in the puja room and watched the stick catch fire.He pulled out all the cotton clothes from different cupboards and made a big heap.He threw the stick on the heap watched patiently as the flames picked up. Once he was satisfied that the entire house would be soon on flames , he walked out of the front door towards the horse.He was muttering to himself,’This is the first blow from myside, Perulekar. From now onwards every time you try to rise up me or one of my clan will come back to thwart you. That is my promise.’

He mounted the horse and allowed it to scamper unhurried over the grass lands towards the otherside of the city.He was now going to meet the Vakil and see what he could do to him.
He expected to see a locked house hoping that the Vakil would have gone to attend the concert by his singer friend.The door was shut but not locked. A slight push opened the door showing a corridor leading to the hall where Inamdar was sitting at his writing desk , furiously writing out some document.He looked up in surprise to see a stranger walk in slowly.He could not make out who it was bothering him at this late hour.He was worried as the bandits around the city normally visited to rob the house while every one slept. But this stranger did not look like any bandit. He was wrapped in a thick woollen shawl.All that Inamdar could make up was a freshly shaven face and bright eyes.Beside the writing desk was an Iron safe which was open revealing a nicely stacked set of important looking documents.There was a bronze Dhiya suspended by a hook at the end of an iron chain hanging from the roof.Three thick wicks soaking in oil burned brightly throwing long shadows .The Vaid held a ball of cotton close to the wick and watched it burn into a flame. He held the burning cotton in front of his face so that the Vakil could see his face clearly. Then he tossed the burning ball into the safe.The dry documents caught fire instantly. The Vakil dived towards the safe and was smartly tripped over an extended leg. He fell on the floor, with his hands breaking the fall. The Vaid stuck out pinning the hand to the floor with his dagger.Vakil let out a scream of pain as the dagger point pierced through the palm.The Vaid crushed the other hand under his nailed heel and pulled the dagger out. Blood sprang up like a fountain. Then he moved the dagger point dangerously close to the eyes and in a swift moved loped off an ear lobe from the vakil’s scared face.The terrified vakil heard a remark ‘that is the mark of Panipat’.Vakil stared at a piece of his body lying in front of him.He did not see the stranger walk out.

The Vaid said loudly ‘Ihave drawn the first blood’.He relished the piece of action.With a running jump, he was back on top of his horse and took the southern road towards his home.

Chapter 10
Switch to current times.

The Dean of Medicare hospitals,Poona was going through a letter from Indian Medical association referring to the forth coming Medical convention scheduled to be convened in three months time at the new convention centre built in Poona.It contained a request from the association for underwriting the expenses, sponsoring delegates and help in assessing the technical material expected to be presented by the experts during different sessions.There was also a template of brochure indicating the schedule of events, for approval by the convention committee of which B was the chairman.Normally this letter would have gone straight to B’s office in Mumbai, but as B was keen that all planning for the convention must be handled by concerned people, he had allowed the letter to be forwarded to the dean for action.B had already indicated that this convention must be the show piece of His company and the dean was charged with the task,while all budget provision were handled from Mumbai.Normally any one of the multinational pharma companies would have gladly under written all expenses of a convention that would give more exposure to their products and greater acceptance.But the slowdown in the west and US had put those companies in a tight situation financially leaving the burden to be taken by Indian companies,who had been enjoying boom time.So B had formed a colloboarative consortium of Indian companies to show to the world that we know how to handle sucha convention.So the Dean was under great pressure.As he was strictly an academician with very little interest in any thing outside medical domain , he found all planning and fund raising tasks unpalatable. He leaned heavily on Sohan to bail him out every time.He had decided that Sohan was the best man to talk to B about budget sanctions .So he spoke to sohan over phone and fixed up a lunch appointment at the Poona club,where they had a separate chamber for meetings. He liked Sohan and most of his colleagues shared a very good rapport with Sohan be cause of his continuous support at the boardlevel for funding the research activity without worrying about short term results.Now the R&D had some thing worth while to show and the ensuing convention presented a very good platform.Dean did not want to miss the opportunity.

Sohan was on time.They hada casual lunch with out touching the subject.Once the lunch was over, Sohan opened his briefcase and took out a letter which was identical to the one Dean was carrying for discussion.He realised that the convention committee had made a blanket coverage through mail , informing all the captains of Industry.So dean had awilling ear in Sohan and he made a passionate pitch for all out support for the convention to be wholly their show.Sohan listened to the pitch patiently and then smiled saying ”are’nt you rather over doing it? Do you have any thing to show during this event/Dont get me wrong. I have been allotting a great amount every year risking criticism and censure. YOU ARE OBLIGED TO GIVE AN ACCOUNT.
‘yes, yes.You have been our saviour indeed.Yes , we have some thing very dramatic to showWe have completed all documentation and authentication to support our work.We are sitting on top of a sure fire herbal cure for cancer especially blood related dis orders.Then we have been carrying out experiments on foetus transplantation and we have 6 succesful cases already All hush hush and ethical.We have the permission from the donor and foster parents to go public, but we would do this carefully.We have also developed herbal fungicide of extraordinary strength and effectiveness, through unique extraction techniques for which we have applied for global patent.Yes sir, we have some thing to show and you better get us all the approval from upstairs.’ Sohan had known the dean for along time and he had never seen him so excited about any thing anytime in the recent past. Seeing a doubtful look in Sohan’s eyes, Dean said ’Sohan Iam not blabbering. You come with me to the hospital , Iwill let you look at top secret documentation and activity profile

Who are leading these works?anybody Iknow?

‘Yes of course, you would know some of them And you know Dr GADKHARI’

Are you recommending any one particular to head our Delegation?

‘Yes Dr Bhave is the rightman, he has got international reputation in his domain. Isuppose

Dr.Ghadkari would be presenting his work and hog all the glory’

Sohan noted down a few points and pushed the papers back into his brief case.He promised to speak to B and send approval note in a day .

Sohan shook hands and took leave.He was wondering how long it has been since he had heard from Dr Sharad Gadkhari

That evening Sohan met B and Kadambari at their residence and discussed the convention.He wanted to clarify the role their company was going to take up and what is involved in totally sponsoring the event on their own even if they had go extra mile in terms of funds outflow. Kadambari wanted to tie up her own activity with the convention, so that she could reach more people.She agreed to manage the event including selection of venues, interior decoration, catering and other logistics. Sohan said he would put his team to ensure maximum participation from the medical fraternity.B said he would discuss with other honchos to share some of the expenses in return for advertisement space and media exposure.

They all knew that convention would attract best brains in the industry and B wanted to be sure he had the names of every one of them.He was going to break new ground in medicare and this event would see his plans in proper light.

Next day the dean called Dr Sharadh Gadkari and DrBhave to his office to brief them about the forth coming convention and interest expressed by B and the family to take a larger role in planning and managing the convention.They showed lot of enthusiasm for the same.But when the discussion on presentation details of his work on foetus transplantation came up , Dr Ghadkari was not supportive of the idea as he believed time was not ripe and there were many ethical questions involved in exposing the identity of children born this way and it would expose their department to un wanted investigation.Actually he was very angry with the dean about talking this matter in the first place with Sohan of all the people.But Dr Bhave and the dean argued that the work done was extra ordinary and successful too.This had to be brought to the notice of the medical world and if they failed to do so now, it would only confirm the doubts of the cynics that they were upto some illegal work in dealing with foetus.Ghadkari was simply bull dozed to prepare a good presentation

Ghadkari stormed out of the meeting, leaving a perplexed dean and Dr bhave

Chapter 11
The convention got underway as per schedule. The venue was decked up in very impressive way. Some of the very famous names from medical field had gathered under one roof savouring the ambient created with thought and sense of purpose. There was no attempt at over kill as happens in many scientific functions ,to save the participants from getting bored to the core and exhausted to the boot. What impressed every one was perfect sequence of events and organisational skills displayed by every one from the volunteers to the top officials. The catering was excellent. There was right mix of talks, projection shows and hospitality breaks. During the breaks the background music was soft, muted and soothing. The delegates never had a dull time as there was a prospect of seeing some thing new and novel in all presentations which were selected taking into consideration need of time and topical interest .They were all eagerly waiting for Dr Ghadkari’s presentation about which the chairperson had mentioned in the key note address. Last few days the whole medical world was agog with the news of successful foetus transplantation by Dr.Sharad Ghadkari , not once but several times in the two decades of dedicated work which was kept secret till now due to certain ethical issues and concern for the families involved. Now with all issues settled amicably in the interest of Science and humanity, Dr Ghadkari was ready to tell the world how he did it in the first place and refinements achieved to ensure such service for public in general.

The convention started as per B’s wish , with a prayer to the divine Forces that were never too far away from the medical domain and people involved. The invocation specially composed for the day and the name of the singer were the best kept secrets of the day. Even Sohan who was involved in every aspect of organisation was not aware that there was an invocation prayer in the agenda. It was a coup by kadambari who enjoyed the sudden excitement of the delegates as Deenanath dressed in white silk kurta walked towards the microphone.The rest of orchestra stayed nicely hidden from the public,waited for the cue from Vasant Desai the music director,who stood ready with his baton

The lyrics were circulated to the delegates as it highlighted the theme of medical profession they all had taken up for living and how they related to the divine forces.As the singer sang, every word in the slip of printed paper had a message from those who dedicated their time in service of humanity and alleviation of their miseries. Sohan took out his copy and read,
The Divinity restored
Conception is natural and immaculate
Result of two pure souls merging
Birth , a natural consequence,
It is nature’s way of showcasing
Her creative skills;
A perfect birth is divine manifestation.

Man interferes
Accidents terminate,
Nature’s skills abhort
Divine agencies are aghast,
An exhibition is denied,
divinity recedes to the background.
A barren womb is distraught.
Man supplements,
He steps forward and manipulates,
Stands back and watches,
A flaw is corrected,
Restores the processes
A new birth ,
It is his gift,
His way of assisting nature
Divine agencies are thrilled,
They bless
A debt is repaid.

It was sung with gusto. Violins screamed, drums rolled and he drooled. There was harmony. There was beauty. There was bliss. The entire gathering of medical practitioners stood up and applauded. Every line in that was sung meant some thing to them, definition of their profession and its proximity to divinity in whatever form it took. Dr Bhave on the dais initiated the proceedings with his key note address analysing the words of the invocation song and urged the delegates to show to the world and humanity at large what their god given skills can accomplish to make this world with all its faults and imperfection, a worthwhile place for the living.The delegates plunged head on into the proceedings with new enthusiasm and purpose
Dr Sharadh Ghadkari and his wife Shalini were waiting for their turn to present their feature. Their entire team was present .They all had prepared for this day. As they waited for their turn, they could not suppress a strange thrill that enveloped them. They had an audience that was keen to know and appreciate.

Sharadh was in a pensive mood. For quite long time , he had gone through a very tiring and testing time before he achieved the glorious structure that had made his life rewarding. He had not wanted to talk about it. He wanted his work to be exclusive and personal, some thing he had done to meet a purely personal need and that fulfilment made him a man.
He sat back and closed his eyes and thought about the circumstances that made his work successful.

Sharadh and Shalini were sitting at the terrace of their single story house in Lonaval a, overlooking the western ghats. From their heights , the city of poona appeared like a blob of light under the evening sky. The air was cool. Both the doctors were very tired and worried. The work during the day at B’s medicare centre had been hectic and strenuous. As doctors they were a committed lot and they never had a moment to relax while at work. They enjoyed their evenings at their house atop the mountains, where air was fresh and sound level subdued. A BEAUTIFUL AMBIENT FOR TWO LIKE MINDED AND LOVING SOULS TO MERGE, SHARE AND CONSOLE. They had been married for 10 years now, had a flourishing career. Their work was rewarding and well appreciated. As normal, and healthy adults they planned to have kids.Inspite of being highly educated in the fields of Gynaecology and obstetrics, during their courting days in the corridors of hospitals in poona they completely forgot to check about Rh factor and result was a series of miscarriages, anguish and pain.

Now she was pregnant again and she had decided this would be their one last attempt. The science had improved and they knew how to correct the procedure of delivery and they were hopeful. That was till today. Till she volunteered to submit herself to an examination under the latest ultra sound equipment , the medicare had imported. What it revealed was a shocking abnormality. Now they were compelled to review their situation and decide on terminating the pregnancy. A heart breaking moment for a woman who longed for a child of her own. In that serene evening , the couple had to decide on many things. Naturally they were tired and worried. They could not even decide who will talk first. Their mind was full of questions and they had to find the answers together.

Sharadh had read extensively about various techniques to beat the Rh factor effect.He had also been working on ways to effect a foetal transplant and he was seriously considering that. He believed between he and his doctor wife , this could be tried. He thought it was time to talk about it now. They talked and she agreed. They began to prepare themselves for such an eventuality, if an opportunity came their way. They organised a team of experts to work on all aspects of surgery involved , time factors, procedures and resources required. The medicare facility was very well equipped. They developed fast acting pumps to empty womb and refill. They perfected fastest surgical methods of opening and closing wombs, separating the foetus and reinserting them. They worked arrangements to monitor post surgical development to negate the efforts of the body to reject the insertion. It was long haul, but they kept upto it and soon reached that stage of perfection that they believed they could accomplish their objective. They waited , ready to swing into action ,when the moment presented itself. They prayed.

Sharad jerked himself to be awake when his little powernap was disturbed by a screaming telephone. Some body shouted to him that there was an accident in the ghats and four persons were being brought to the hospital. They were almost dead, they feared. One was a young woman and they suspected she could be pregnant. Sharad jumped out of his chair and screamed ,” this is it , come on.”He got his team to gether and the specially created operation theatre was alerted to get all equipement ready for their work. Shalini was rushed into the theatre. She ran like an eager girl into the theatre and saw two operation tables clean and disinfected and ready.The surgeons were at her side and they repeated the sequence of steps they had to go through, from a prepared chart. They were satisfied that they were ready in every way. The way from the main door to the theatre was kept free and stretchers on wheels and attendants were ready.Sharad kept one ear for the fast moving ambulance to arrive at the main gate to the hospital

The ambulance screamed to a stop. Eager attendants opened the doors and a doctor examined the four bodies. The woman was separated from the lot and removed swiftly. She was barely alive. A massive head injury and fractured rib cage presented immediate problem. a major decision was called for. Would she survive this fatal injury. They tested and examined with out hurrying over any thing. The chief said, there was no way she would survive.Sharadh would not be accused of stealing a foetus.

They went into action simultaneously. Entire operation was filmed for records. Shalini was already on the table , under the gas. Her body well prepared , They cut through layer by layer and reached womb and waited.In the adjacent table, the accident victim went through similar treatment.The pumps were in place evacuating the Shalini’s womb, they cut through the womb and separated the mal formed foetus. The other womb was also simulataneously opened with precise cuts and the throbbing foetus was delicately separated and was passed on to the next table where a bare womb readily received the new foetus, placenta was enjoined and womb was closed and the body fluids pumped back swiftly

The foetus was exposed only for bare minimum of time and womb was devoid of fluids for less time, than the transfer. They put the final touches and began to pray. The accident victim had died immediately after she went under the gas. Sharad looked at her face for the first time.He recognised her from numerous photographs that had appeared in the newspapers with regularity.Anjali Perulekar, he whispered the name to himself.
Police were waiting outside for the results. Sharad and other doctors who had examined the bodies declared every one dead. They signed the registers and other papers required by the police. They took delivery of the bodies to be taken to poona. Sharad offered to go with them to explain to the relatives of the victims. He owed them some thing. Leaving Shalini to the care of team of Doctors , sharad drove his car following the police jeep. By now the identity of victims were known and the doomed car was also recovered from the ravines of the mountain. At perulekar’s house, he was shocked to see Sohan. He watched while the family members removed the bodies one by one.He talked to them briefly .He held Sohan’s hands for some time.Did not remember whatever he said

He returned to the hospital and sat beside shalini all the time praying. The foetus should stay firm and live.He called all the gods to work a miracle, to keep the foetus alive.The thought of the abnormally formed discarded foetus removed from his wife’s womb, never bothered him He was now concentrating on keeping what Shalini carried now, in tact.After what seemed to be eternity, Shalini came back to consciousness with the foetus throbbing healthily in her womb. She got hold of Sharad’s hand and squeezed.Shard opened her eyes looking at her pupils. He checked her pulse and body temperature and blood pressure..He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer to the gods. They were on his side. Shaini signalled to him to put his ear close to her mouth. She said, ‘sharad you would become a father soon. God gave you skills and you worked a miracle.Sharad , this is what he has given us and let us keep him as our own.
Five months later, Shalini delivered a bonny baby boy.


Sharad was rudely woken up by the tumultuous applause as Dr Bhave announced his name as next speaker. He looked around him in a rather stupid manner of a person waking up from deep sleep and suddenly thrust into a boxing ring with an unknown fighter. As he realised where he was, there was a sheepish grin on his face. He stood up and waved to the crowd and walked up to the microphone. His wife and assistants positioned themselves around the projection equipment and loaded it with their own material and waited for a signal, Sharad introduced the topic and gave a summary of work done internationally on this matter before launching the slides. He wanted to keep the emotion under control and concentrated on technical aspects of the problem and how his group got over it.Now he was able to announce a set of procedures and documentation to enable hospitals all over the country to carry out similar missions to help women achieve their maternal bliss. He said that in countless accidents across the world over, along with unfortunate would be mothers healthy foetus also perish and barren mothers carry sigma of childless existence for a life time. Now it is possible to correct such social bias. Now barren wombs can be blessed wombs and new offspring can light up the face of desolate mothers.
Then he introduced his team one by one and related their role to the project and contribution made towards its success. He wanted every one of his team to bask in the glory of the achievement and the appreciation from a knowledgeable audience. He kept Shalini’s name last and at that time he could not control the emotions .He said here is that courageous lady , my wife who volunteered for the first live experiment fully knowing all the risks involved. She had participated in every step of complicated procedure with complete faith in her colleagues and immense faith in God that her fervent prayer for a progeny be blessed. He walked towards her and in front of a thousand delegates he embraced her in a tight hold and wept shamelessly for a minute on her shoulders. People watched with poignant silence to maintain the dignity of that gesture which only helpless fathers can understand .Then he went methodically through the slides and pictures reliving those momentous set of actions and ended the projection with sound of the baby’s cry coming through the sound system

He said that but for the first successful experiment which involved his family, records of every succeeding operations have been meticulously maintained with full involvement of police and judicial machinery.

He then switched off the projector, plunging the hall into darkness and the record of the invocation song was played again .As the lights came on the entire audience was on its feet and applause reverberated in the hall for a long long time. Sharad and shalini stood hand in hand acknowledging the tributes. Sohan did not clap.HE LOOKED AT THE GLOWING COUPLE WITHA STRANGE LIGHT IN HIS EYES.He realised suddenly that the elaborate slide show was not meant for general public but it was meant for his attention. He had been asking the question for long and the answer was there in the slide show.

He thought of Sharad and wondered how nicely he has come up in life from his early days in medicare. He tried to recall when he hadmet him first. He remembered that He was the person who handed over the Body. He stood next to him through out the funeral rites. He had wondered why a doctor who had done the autopsy stayed back to stand by him. The answer was in the slide show. The donor of the first ever transplantation of foetus was his Anjali. She had been pregnant at the time of the fatal accident. This man did not save his wife but saved his progeny. Should he feel bad or be elated/ he honestly did not know. Did he know she was pregnant. He could not remember but he knew for sure that if she had known about it ,she would have confided the fact, especially when their marriage was not made public.

He had been having this feeling that Anjali was trying to come back into his life and he never knew what that feeling meant . Now he seemed to understand. Now it was clear to him that feeling was real.

She was desperately trying to tell him that she had not left him alone and their very own progeny was around somewhere ready to surface and reach out to him.

Sohan felt he was having a severe head ache. HE LONGED FOR A HOT CUP OF COFFEE
HE MOVED TOWARDS THE CAFETERIA WHERE UNIFORMED VENDORS WERE SERVING HOT COFFEE AND SNACKS.He picked up a cup and extended it to the coffee vendor, who wished him a very good afternoon and poured out a steaming cup and thrust a couple of hot samosas on his plate. He took a bite and sipped his coffee. At his elbow was the youngman stretching his hand towards the coffee vendor. Sohan looked into those bright shining eyes. The youngman smiled and wished him a very good afternoon, mr Sohan.He responded automatically and then realising who it was added, ‘that was a great prayer song, son.’
‘yes, sir. It indeed was .I am glad we made a good impression. great lyrics. That was a great way to start the convention.’ Sohan wanted to extend the chat. Some one pulled his shirt and pointed towards the stage from where B WAS TRYING TO ATTRACT HIS ATTENTION. He raised his hand , nodded to B and moved forward. The youngman put his head down and moved away, regretfully.

Rest of the evening passed off with out any significant impact. Every thing paled into insignificance compared to the impact made by Sharad Gadkari’s path breaking presentation
Dr Bhave made a gallant attempt to change the mood with his classic presentation of herbal cosmetics. He had brought a bevy of good looking models from Mumbai to add weight to his words. He knew it was flat and bland .He wound up his show quickly.

B got on to the stage for the winding up speel.He referred to Dr G ‘s work as epoch making and referred to Hindy mythology on Balarama’s birth as the first instance of foetal transplantation by divine forces. But G’s work was one of the mortals, for the mortals and by the mortals. This turn of words caught every ones fancy and there was loud clapping.Dr G had presented the greatest possible boon to barren mothers and we have to celebrate this achievement . He said loudly , ‘they say God comes in human form to deliver stricken people from troubles in life and I think in

Dr G we see a divine manifestation.

Dr G stood tall in every body’s mind .

The convention was brought to a close and people dispersed calmlySoon the auditorium was empty except for B and his officials winding up the show.The organisers moved in to dismantle the sound and light system , move the tables and removed banners and other decorations that made the room look grand and fit for the occasion.

Dean was relieved that convention was a great success . He could not wait for the morning newspapers to read all about it in the media.

B invited Dr.G and Shalini and other members of the family to visit his house for the evening dinner he had some thing to present to Dr, Ghadkari.He instructed the Dean to bring Dinanath to the house. There will be no dinner with out the music of Dinanath. He put his hands on Sohan’s shoulder and they moved towards his waiting car.

B’s house in poona was tastefully furnished and the guests felt very comfortable in the old world charm that the place oozed. Kadambari went out of the way to make every little thing as perfect as humanly possible. Taj-Maratta had already sent their best cheff with his entire paraphernalia, to serve the most delicious native food you can ever take fancy of. B was very busy taking on tasks that normally would be beyond a person of his age, it appeared as though some body had served him with a magic potion bringing back his youthful enthusiasm and energy. This evening belonged to him as did the afternoon to Dr Ghadkari.After this evening he can put his feet up and retire leaving the younger brigade to take over completely. As he busied himself , he was checking his watch and looking out as though he was expecting somebody special. He was indeed expecting not one but many guests and they were all special.

Now he was looking over a finely carved and brightly polished table with a circular top.The cloth that covered the top was blue velvet and on that was a shining silver plate that you normally see only in palaces. On that silver plate was kept a gift about which nobody knew. The gift was covered by a veil of blue silk.B had made sure that nobody would go anywhere near it. when pressed for an answer he said , you just wait. Every one will see it in all its glory. It has a story to tell. A story as intriguing as any ever written.

The guests who had arrived earlier were all already seated. Sohan and kadambari shared a sofa. B’s sons were perched on either side of their great father’s high chair. Shalini and Sharad were placed opposite Kadambari . Two sofas on either side of B’s highchair were waiting for the honoured guests. Dr Bhave and the dean were too tired of sitting. They were standing near a window over looking a garden outside. Sohan was strangely nervous as B walked upto him every few moments wanting to tell him some thing and deciding against it. B got on his nerves. The old man was upto some mischief, he thought. From his place, he looked at Dr G and his wife. They kept to themselves not showing any eagerness to indulge in any small talk. They had experienced a very fulfilling day and any thing else would just be an overkill.

B looked at his wrist watch and walked towards the door in time to see an Ambassador car drive into his porch. The door opened and Subash Perulekar stepped out and ran into B.They greeted each other warmly. Subash looked much younger compared to others in the room. B pulled him close to give him a bear hug and said, ”Thank you Subash for accepting my invitation at such a short notice. I know you have many questions to ask. Let them wait . As the evening progresses every thing will become clear.I assure you , you are not wasting your time. Come meet my family and others who you know already. Kadambari and her sons greeted Subash .He recognised Sohan, his eyes clouding a little. He walked up to Sohan and held him by hand for a long time. In that hold, there was warmth. What words could not say, the warm touch did. Sohan wiped a tear that was threatening to drop .he patted subash’s cheek in a very friendly manner and made him sit next to him.A tall glass of fruit punch was thrust in his hand.

Sohan thought about Subash and felt guilty that he had not been in touch with him for long.Anjali and Subash were siblings and only fate had saved him from the accident that had wiped out his family.B was watching them from where he stood waiting for the other guests.

Just then another car , an imposing all white,BMWglided in softly , driven by a uniformed chaffeur, stopping immaculately at the portico. B Walked upto the car and opened the door.Anil Inamdar dressed in traditional starched white doti kurta and splendidly attired and graceful Urmila his wife of 6 decades sat together reluctant to get out of the comfort of the car. They beamed at B and shook their heads and smiled . Urmila said “B, Gwalior is a long way off and we don’t like excitement at this age”.B laughed heartily and said ‘Tai,Icould not enjoy this evening with out you two’

He helped them to get out and walked back to the hall.They all stood up to receive the elderly guests.Sohan who was looking somewhere else , turned to see who had walked in. His jaw dropped and he jumped and rushed towards the old couple shouting DADA AND AAYEE.They hugged one another exchanging pleasant enquiries and wondering aloud what the hell B was trying to do.

B addressed the gathering requesting every one to take their seats and relax.Every one had a tall glass of fruit punch.B was ina mood to talk.

‘Iam so happy to see all members of my family under this roof.Such a union has never taken place before, so this is a very special occasion.In fact I have been hoping , no, no praying for this occasion.I have been planning for this day and it has finally arrived and I am very happy. In the recent past, when my health threatened to derail my life, I have often wondered , If I will ever get a chance to bring about the union such as what we are doing now. My prayers have been answered and after this evening I will be perfectly willing to take the call from our maker.Now I WISH TO ENJOY THIS EVENING. He said loudly the names Inamdar, Perulekar and Vaid Ghadkari.These three names have been tormenting the souls of my ancestors right from the day of the disaster of PANIPAT.They went through great deal of testing and pain filled phases of life before the recent generations overcame the devils of suspicion and animosity between them and to settle down in the path of righteousness and prosperity. My family has been in the thick of this reconcilement.Today, Iam proudly acknowledging our relationship and feel gratified that we are all able to sit together and enjoy this evening. Today we are a family. You know why I keep repeating this?’ HE TURNED TOWARDS DrGhadkari and said,’it is because of what Dr G did long time ago.He tied all of us with an invisible bond of attachment and oneness. The medical fraternity will keep talking about his tremendous achievement for long time to come. BUT FOR US , HIS CONTRIBUTION IS bringing about an enchanting fusion of relations which God himself could not have scripted to such nicety. What I am saying may not make sense to some of you , but bear with me please, as I assure you that it will be clear as the evening progresses”.He now stood in front Of Dr Ghadkari and said, “you made history this morning when you presented the details human foetus transplantation that stunned every body.For me your presentation meant uncovering a great secret. A secret that I was trying to crack desperately.That revealation meant so much to me because it made me a new man, .You made it possible for me to put away the knowledge and memory of a very unpleasant phase of our family history. For the first time after many years I, Inamdar and Perulekars of this city can sit back and start a new phase of life in peace. The peace like of which we could never experience before. Sages call such experience bliss. I am a mortal like every one else i understand peace better than the word bliss.”He held Dr Ghadkari’s hand and said ,” that is what you have done, brought peace and in doing so you corrected a great wrong done in the past and which had haunted the lives of our ancestors ever since the devastating panipat of 1761.

Today we are a family not only in the business sense but also in the nature of relationships between all of us.I SEE LOT OF QUESTIONS IN YOUR FACE AND YOU ALL MAY ALSO UNCHARITABLY THINK, I have gone off my rocker .No Sir, I have never been saner in my life before.Let me explain the business end of our relationship. Anil Inamdar here heads the most powerful legal apparatus operating in our country.The services that his firms are providing to the common man have been admired by the Supreme court of India. He has offices all over the country. More legal disputes are resolved by his firm than all the courts of India put together.Anil , his brothers and their sons are managing the vast legal empire that ANIL AND HIS FATHER CREATED.They handle all our legal matters.Anil’s forefathers had to start from scratch in the aftermath of Panipat.

Then he moved to stand in front of Subhash and said’Subhash here broke tradition to move away from music to carve a niche for himself in food processing Industry. His Swiss partners were identified by Kadambari and today every housewife in India use his products as they feed their folks in the dinner table.M y company is a silent partner in his firm.

Thus our business family is well knit and a prosperous lot.

Now look at Sharadh here, hero of today and consider what he has done. Sharad’s Father died in my arms that fateful day when police fired to disperse the crowd that had gathered at August Kranti Maidan in Bombay way back in 1942. Ipromised him at his death, that I would take care of his son.Kadambari has been in close touch with Sharad’s brave mother guiding the child and making him a good doctor as per their family tradition. We kept all this hush , hush so that the child could grow up with out any pressure.

The great Maratta empire was demolished by the British no doubt , but M y father and I have ensured that our great historical back ground remain firmly in our actions We had our moments of despair , but we over came all those to emerge triumphant.

Today our four families have merged into one another because of What Dr Ghadkari achieved. So I wish to offer him a gift that will be handed to him by our elder Shri Anil Inamdar.Anil got up slowly and walked towards the round table and waited, B removed the blue silk veil .With much effort Anil lifted the Gift placed at the centre of Shining silver plate and held it aloft for every one to see.When B removed the cloth every one clapped hands. The claps stopped the moment they had a look at the gift.

B continued’ This Idol had a pride of place in the magnificient Puja room in the palace of peshwa.This Idol had accompanied the soldiers who marched to Panipat. When the M arata general died , he handed it over to his medical attendant , a fore father of Sharad, with instruction to return it to the rightful place in the custody of Bajirao Peshwa. Unfortunately, fate intervened and idol was robbed from the hands of the Vaid by two unscrupulous men and they used it to raise the resources required for their resettlement in GWALIOR. The Vaid swore revenge and retrieved the lost Idol and restored it . From then on for many generations a continuous feude continued between three families. Luckily saner senses prevailed in later generations . The three feuding families were those of Inamdar, Perulekar and Ghadkari. The families separated and lived in peace. At such a time I GOT TO KNOW Sohan here and kept him under my care with full permission from Inamdar.Again the fate tried to play a cruel joke
Now look at the Gift. They all looked at it in awe .It was a magnificent image of Bhavani Mata with a spear in hand. The Idol was in gold and embedded with stones of great value. They could see diamonds, rubies , green emerald and sapphires
‘this is the refurbished idol retrieved by Sharad ‘s greatgrand father and handed over to my family.

I consider it my duty to hand it over Sharad here for what he has done This is the secret I discovered when Sharad made his presentation at the convention. The first ever foetus trans plantation that he performed was that secret.”\The entire lot of guests were on the edge of their seats. It was a fantastic narration. B continued.Sharad did the transplantation to satisfy a long felt need of his wife Shalini , who could not bearand deliver a child. But unknowingly the foetus that he transplanted belonged to the womb of Anjali Perulekar , sister of Subhash here.Anjali and her parents had perished in that tragic accident. Anjali had married Sohan here secretly , much against the wishes of the parents from both sides. Kadambari and I tried to change the minds of the parents but they were so scared of the curse of Panipat that they would not allow the marriage .Just as they feared, Anjali was killed in that accident.

The saving grace was God’s will. The dying pregnant Anjali was offered to Sharadh and he seized the opportunity and carried out his first live transplantation and in doing so he fused the three families of Inamdar, Perulekar and Vaid Ghadkari in the womb of Shalini and that child is with us now.For bringing about such a fusion I request Anil Inamdar to present this historic idol TO THE Ghadkaris and welcome him into our fold.

With a grace that added to glory to the ceremony , Inamdar And Urmila handed over the shining Idol in the hands of Sharad and Shalini Ghadkari. They all stood up. There was no clapping..Nobody wanted to disturb the mood by in appropriate sound. There were tears in every eyes. ONE BY ONE they all hugged Sharad.They had no words to speak. They were in a state of emotional overcharge.Sohan was the last to reach Sharad. HE DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO.Shalini and Sharad placed the idol in his hands and folded their hands and bent down to touch his feet. H E WOULD NOT ALLOW THEM TO DO. He simply asked’ Where is He’.
They all turned towards the door. Walking towards them , dressed in white pyjama kurta and sporting a great smile was Dinanath