Friday, July 3, 2009


She walked hand in hand with her husband Govardhan,in the early morning sun on the dusty road leading to the water front.In the distance, she could see the serene water of Ganga flowing softly.Fora big girl she had very light steps and she seemed to be gracefully gliding along while Govardhan was lumbering at her side like a tame bull.There was a permanent smile on his face and proximity to sujatha was all that he cared for present.They reached the banks and could see the ganges from close by at a depth of around ten feet from the road level.There was a flight of steps paved with roughly cut granite stones.The steps were broad and a man could sit comfortably.Govardhan sat on the top step while Sujatha ran down the steps to the water like a child in early teens. She loved to swim in the pleasantly cool waters of the river
Sujatha surveyed the crowd and selected for herself secluded part, where a few girls were having fun together.As she was getting ready to take her plunge, she saw that old lady sitting on the steps with her old legs fully stretched in front of her..On those legs was lying a child face down, being smeared with scented oil. The baby tried to lift his head to look around only to see the old lady push him down keeping a continuous chatter and giving the child a vigorous rubbing down. Standing near by was a young mother with dry clothes on her shoulder. There was a wooden bucket near her feet and she was poring water over the baby ‘s back, giving her child a bath in old fashioned way. From where sujatha stood she could see the child and smell of the jasmine that was mixed with oil. The old lady finished the bath and pulled up the child over her head and gave him a resounding kiss with her tooth less mouth and slapped the buttocks play fully. The childs fair skin was now glowing .She extended the child towards the young mother who grabbed it , quickly wrapping dry clothes around the child, who was squeeling delightfully making the young mother smile contentedly.
Just as she was ready to climb up the steps to go home with her child,she was horrified to seea group of young boys running down the steps chasing one another trying for a running dive into the waters. One careless boy running blindly slammed into the young mother.Her legs went up in air and the child was tossed up,She screamed helplessly watching the child flying in a slow arc towards the water.Excited shouts of watch out filled air
Sujatha moved.Her strong legs carried her swiftly to the spot where she expected the child to land and smartly caught him.The baby was heavy and it jarred her shoulders as she caught him , but she held on maintaining her balance.The child squeeled again and sujatha put him on her shoulder and watched with a smile as he slipped slowly to her chest. The press of the child against her breast sent ecstatic vibration through her body mesmerising her into a strange contented mood she had longed many times before but could never experience. The young mother was running towards ner with relief written large on her shining face. Her hands were extended in front.Coming closer to Sujatha , she said softly, “thank you dear , you saved my baby”Sujatha did not seem to hear anything. She was in a different world altogether swaying slowly and rocking the baby softly. The baby seemed to be enjoying the cosy comfort of her hold and contact with her warm body.The young mother repeated ‘can i have my child back please. You saved my child .Thank you.”Sujatha jerked herself back to reality, smiling and allowed the young mother to pluck the child from her hold.As the contact broke sujatha felt some thing tear in her heart and felt a hither to unknown feeling of tremendous hurt,which she hastily tried to hide..The mother turned to walk away from her and sujatha could see the child laugh softly. The mother seemed to remember some thing , she paused and hurried back to where sujatha was still standing. She undid the clasp of her string of pearls from her neck and thrust it in the fist of a dazed sujatha,’KEEP THIS AS A TOKEN OF MY GRATITUDE” She turned to walkaway. Sujatha ran to her saying no , no.The mother waited, Sujatha put the pearls around the neck of the baby and said “see how beautiful the pearls look around his neck”.The mother bowed her head and walked away.Sujatha was over come with emotion.She broke away and walked to where govardhan was waiting.She buried her head in his broad sholders weeping un controlled.He was patiently patting her.There was a lump in his throat.He understood why she was crying.She looked into his wet eyes and asked between sobs,’why cant we have a child like that. It is so unfair”
He muttered with head down ‘He has not blessed us yet’
But the astrologers had assured us that I will become a famous mother
.It will come true. Have faith
When ,dear?
A question for which he could give no answer
All that he said was ”it is His will that will prevail.
Then wanting to change the subject, he said ’you were indeed very good.You saved that baby while every one stood stunned.You moved so fast and held that child.It was a thrilling sight.’
Sujatha smiled.Yes I was lucky
They finished their bath.On theirwalk back they did not talk much.Each was busy with his and her own thoughts. The child occupied their mind.

They sat around him in a tight circle,talking in muted tones.There was concern on their faces and urgency in their actions.Their master has been inert for over two weeks.They tried to feed but the food would not stay downand the body in afit of violent convulsions would through the food out, in a very sickening manner.Fever was raging and traditional methods and medicines failed to redeem a very deteriorating situation.They decided they should seek outside help.
They were all new to the place.People viewed them with suspicionTheir master was seen to be propagating new ideas,which was new to many.To be caught in anew place with out friends was anew experience for many of them.They decided to go into the city to seek help.
They had starteda new movement founded on the basic principles of tolerance and non violence.,two major facets of personal characters,which did not fit in the existing mindset of people.This was threatening to tear the fabric of harmonious society.Their utterings were not new but something people had forgotten as they prospered.Their master had succeeded gaining acceptance for his thoughts among many,slowly at first and then with increasing numbers as he travelled along.His work must continue. For that he should live.
The monks were moving from house to house making enquiries.They said they were looking for a vaid.Their master was sick and needed urgent attention bya vaid. Could anybody help.?
The master had gone into a trance and had starved himself for long. He was now very very sick. He could not keep any food. He needed help
Some one on the ground mentioned the name of Govardhan.’PLEASE GO TO HIM. HE HAS MAGIC IN HIS HANDS. There is nothing he can not cure.He will surely help.He is a very kind man.He will surely help.’
The monks moved fast towards the house pointed by the people, with their robes flying. It was a non descript thatched house. They had prayer in their mind and knocked on the door with hope
It seemed to take a long time before the door opened. Their stood a woman. Big size and large kind eyesThey could see extraordinary depth in those dark eyes.Those eyes threw a question,what do you want?
We have come to take Govardhan with usOur master is seriously ill. They said that govardhan can cure every thing. Please, is he inside?Can you call him out please?
There was passion in their voice. She sensed their urgency
Madam , please hurry He is already sinking
Sujatha shook her head She could not help them Govardhan had gone to the forests in the hills to collect a fresh stock of herbs required for his trade. Could their master hold on for some time
They groaned , their anguish and helplessness over powering them
Who is your master?
. He is the Budhdha , the Enlightened one.
Are you referring to Gauthama,who preaches the middle path.The one who defeated Mara.
Yesy ,Yes they replied.They were impatient
Then take me to him.
They stared at her. What was she saying?was she a medicine woman. Could she cure their master. A thousand questions seemed to stand up in air,
“in good time, sure’, they were desperately trying to be polite’please tell us .Do you know anything about medicine?’
No, but the astrologers had mentioned that he would bless to become a great mother.I must go to Him . tell me where is he presently?
The monks could not hold back their anger.
She said in an assertive manner’ you go to the hills and locate Govardhan. I WILL GO TO YOUR MASTER AND SEE HOW HE WILL HELP ME.
The monks pointed to the north. He is resting there
She rushed out. New thoughts were rushing in to her mind as she recalled the words of the famous astrologer..Her obsession was about attaining the mother hood, which life had so far been out of her reach.”You will become a mother.You will be declared as a mother who saved a great man.
Is the great man mentioned by her astrologer this famous Budhdha.
She tried to remember all that she had heard about Budhdha and his beliefs.He spoke a language that was new to many.The subject was as old as this earth but he have different meaningsHe did not say every thing was bad.He did not speak about God.He said so much has to be learnt about man first , before knowing about God.He said simple things that applied to life like love, kindness, compassion,desires, hunger, frustrations, compulsions etc,
He related miseries to desires,pain to indulgence.He said frustrations rose from denials.Denials was rooted in misconceived compulsions.Common folk could identify these to their own actions and lack of actions in life.There was nothing abstract in these facets of life.There was no escapism in his thesis
He did not preach abstaining as compulsion. He did not deny right to enjoy.He wanted only limis to be decided by an individual based on his capacity to deal with consequences which was essentially filled with pain.He did not say that every one must shave his head. Nor did he prescribe ochre robes for every one.
Sujatha and Govardhan had discussed these points several times and she believed she could argue this matter with Budhdha himself if she were to come face to face.Now is the chance. But Iam deviating .Iam more bothered presently about the motherhood. She could still feel the weight of the child she held in her hand at the riverside.
How can he help. He is not a miracle man.In fact he was the man who ran away from life leaving behind a young wife and an infant.
But she had to go to him as she began to believe that her motherhood was pre ordained and he had to deliver.
She ran
Sujatha ran like she had never ran before.
Her great heart pounding , the long limbs carrying her swiftly.
She ran with anew found strength. She carried a great hope.
She felt her breasts swell up at the very thought that her great moment had arrived. If the wise astrologers were true, here was the time for attaining the long cherished motherhood
As she ran into the hermitage , she was breathless. Where is he? she screamed. The monks turned in horror , who is this girl in a place where no woman was allowed. She saw the hut in the corner and amonk was coming out holding a pail
Was Gauthama lying there?
She rushed in , like a tornado, her large breasts heaving with effort.She closed the door with her foot.
Ther he was lying on a white cloth.His normally shining face was pale.His lotus eyes were closed.There was no hair on his head. The ears were long and drooping, with a big hole, pointing out to emptiness of life..The wind was moving very slowly. His chest was still
She looked at him.Doubts flooding her mind She walked around him looking for some sign of life in that inert body .As she stared at him . with blank look, she found that some strange forces were gaining control of her bodyShe was seeing things differently . She did not see a grown man there anywhere. All she saw was a very weak child lying helpless in high fever and pulse running down every moment That morning she had held a healthy child to her bosom This baby was weak and delicate. She sat at his head and very slowly lifted him up and put him against her strong shoulder. A shudder went through her bodyThere was new strength.She put the body on her lap holding his head close to her chest. She knew what she had to do. The mother in her mind surfaced
She did what she wanted to with out a thought .like a mother would
She knew she was already a mother.
The astrologers were indeed very right. She held him close. She saw him responding slowly
There was absolute calm around her. She sat there foran hour. Softly she lowered him Rubbed the face and then stood up. In a daze , she opened the door and walked up. Her held highGovardhan would be happy now.

The monks rushed inside. They saw the master lying peacefully on the soft white cloth as he was before. But there was a glow in his face. The fever was gone. The monks looked around the room. In the corner , there was wooden cup, with remains of trace of milk
There master was alive. Saved by the milk given by that woman. THEY WANTED TO TALK TO HER. They rushed out. She had gone
Next morning he was up early.He said “Find her please. Find my mother.Ihave a great deal to thank her for . please find her”
Sujatha had become a mother
A famous mother. She smiled