Sunday, June 22, 2008

2 boons and a curse


Valmiki’s epic, Ramayana is set on its course through palace intrigues woven so subtly in the fabric of epic unfolding a series of events that lead to the death of king Dasharatha and departure of Rama to the forest accompanied by his spouse Sita and brother Lakshmana.Here is a new look at the events.


The old King woke up suddenly from a deep sleep visibly shaken by something he had seen in the dreams.He was sweating profusely and as he tried to recall the images his heart was galloping furiously adding to his discomfort. He remembered the speeding comet, battle scenes with cut limbs and dying bodies, empty streets and silent procession of people with tear filled eyes. The eternal flame at the gates of the city of Ayodhya had been put out and the royal flag at his palace was flying limply at half mast .As he woke up he steadied himself trying to understand if there was any message hidden behind those horrible scenes. He thought he recognized the beautiful face of the lady with a hunchback thrusting her long stick at his heart. Her peal of laughter was still ringing in his ears, even though he was awake and dream had faded from his mind .
He held his hand in front and noted with satisfaction that it was now steady.With effort he brought his breathing under control and forced his mind to be calm. He was a well educated king and he knew how to interpret his dreams .The nightmare was in fact a signal for him.He thought he had read the signal properly. He listed out mentally a series of actions that he would initiate.He thought about every step and satisfied himself that it was proper and timely.He knew exactly what the fate had decreed for him and he had to beat that fate, even if it meant he had to die. He was never afraid of dying but the manner of death meant a great deal to him. He remembered what his father the great Aja had said about death ,”every death should serve a sacred cause”
Sitting upright on his bed he said a silent prayer asking for time, just sufficient to complete the set of actions he had planned now. From the eastern window of his chambers he kept looking at the eastern skies waiting for the early rays of aruna to light up the dark world .The Sun God , his guardian diety, would soon emerge .He prayed “please stand by me as always ” and raised his hands in salutation
Back in his cheerful mood , the King began his day with a meeting with his venerable preceptor and guide Vasishta. The calm ,shining visage of the rishi was very comforting. The King bowed and the preceptor blessed and invited him to occupy a high seat in his hermitage outside the royal ground .He could read king’s mind like a book , but waited for the king to speak .The King followed the protocol meticulously, made pleasant enquiries about his preceptors welfare, before coming to the point. He said ‘Sir, I have it in my mind to announce the successor to my throne and seek your counsel on this point.Please suggest a good date for the anointment function in the immediate future”.The wise Vasishta told the King,”Ihave been expecting this question from you for quite some time. Your eldest son , Sri Ram has every attribute that you would want in a king and meets your needs very clearly. I am sure , you are not having any other option in your mind.”The king stared at his preceptor, at the mention of any option in his mind. The preceptor added ”My King , do what you have to do very early.You will have less trouble that way. Remember , we all do what we have to do , pushed by that all powerful fate, dictates of destiny. Nothing takes place on our own initiative. All our decisions are pre ordained and part of a greater plan programmed by life forces and nature. I will work out a good day , just now. You can start on the preparatory work’Then as an after thought he asked the king “have you spoken to Bharata”. The king took some time before answering, “No , but I intend to talk to him immediately, now that you have the date ready”The king took leave and left his preceptors alone, with a frown written large on his face. Back at his chambers in his palace , the King sent for Bharata.

Bharata got the message, just as he was finishing his day’s work out along with his brothers. He was not surprised to get such a summons from his father , as he was working closely with the king in recent days on matters relating to state administration..He shook hands with Rama and took leave saying”I think our father has got some urgent work for me. I will go and check “.The brother smiled and said” yes , please go. All the best.” Then He looked at Lakshmana . They could communicate with out exchanging a single word, a skill coming out of very long association..His normally cheerful face was now showing anxiety as he could feel in the air a sense of some unpleasant development emerging.

King Dasaratha,watched his son Bharata walking briskly towards him and admired the way he carried himself. Steady measured steps, upheld head and eyes that were sharp and kind. He had taken after his mother, the king told himself. What a devoted brother he is to my Rama.He put his hands round his son , as Bharata bent down and touched his feet.The affectionate king brushed his son ‘s hair and blessed him saying” Live long and bring glory to your mother. “ The son smiled and enquired about the work the king wished to be carried out..The king continued to gaze at his son and muttered “The eyes are same as the mother”. kaikeyee was the most beautiful and dearest to the king….He remembered the dialogue he had had with her father King Ashwapathy, when he had sought the hand of his daughter .”I see in your daughter all the attributes of a great queen.I cherish and admire her great virtues and would like to wed her, so that she can beget me an offspring worthy of the great kingdom of Kosala.” King Ashwapathy was aware that Dasaratha was already married and so far had not been blessed with a progeny .The kekaya king had responded ”Oh King ,It is only proper among royalty to seek a new queen,when a descendant capable of carrying ahead our lineage is not blessed to you by your existing consorts. You are the ruler of a vast and blessed territory and if you do not leave behind a suitable heir to carry on the reign after you , the kingdom will be snapped up by the unfaithful. I will be pleased to offer the hand of my fair daughter Kaikeyee to you if you give your word that the son she begets would rule the land after you”
Dasaratha remembered now those words and what he was about to do was to go against the spirit of that assurance. It was so much against his character to go against a promise. His clan always delivered on a promise, even if it cost them their very life. The king had worked his way out of a dilemma trusting his knowledge of dharmasastra, which dictated that only the eldest , when fit deserved to inherit and rule and any promise countering this tenet of sastra was invalid. This meant that Bharata would be denied what was promised at the time of his mother’s wedding , long before he was born. The king knew that steeped in righteousness as Bharata was , as the younger brother of glorious Rama, he would bear no grudge either against a defaulting father or a brother who unwittingly had been cause for an impropriety. Yet the king had decided to send Bharata away, with a very personal message to Bharata’s maternal uncle Yudhajit, who ruled the kekaya kingdom in place of an ailing old monarch Aswapathy. Dasaratha embraced Bharata and told “ Son , I have a request from your maternal uncle that I allow you and your wife to spend some time with him. Your marriage was fixed all of a sudden and your uncle has been complaining that he has not done anything for the new bride and his favorite nephew.Please visit him now accepting his invitation and carry a message of best wishes and well being from all of us..I know it will be painful to leave Ayodhya even for a moment but you must go. Please hand over this very personal and confidential message to him,along with other royal gifts as dictated by royal protocol.”Seeing some hesitation on the part of Bharata, for whom the remote Kekaya was not very attractive compared to the blessed land of Kosala and sacred soil of Ayodhya, king hastened “you wont mind going ,would you for your uncle’s and on your father’s wish. “ Bharata looked at his father for a long time and said “ Your wish is a command that I can never be indifferent to. Mamasri always overwhelms me with his affection. I will leave immediately and carry your message, bearing the .royal insignia of kingdom of Kosala, the brand of a rising sun.
The king then saw Bharata and his wife and satrugna and his wife board the grand chariot. A delighted kaikeyee was waving them off cheerfully.

Dasaratha recalled the important words mentioned in his scroll

A promise was made at the time of my marriage with your sister assuring that the offspring delivered by her would inherit the kingdom after my death. The situation changed after my three wives delivered only after the performance of Putra kameshti yagna. Now the sastras dictate that eldest son must inherit when fit and able. I am bringing this to your notice as I feel time for change of rule in the kingdom of Kosala has arrived and I propose to nominate Rama to succeed me. You must not view this as contrary to the promise made by me as situation did change. You will please allow me to do what is right in the present context.Once the date is announced you will visit us at Ayodhya to participate in the investiture ceremonies and bless the regent.
The king felt he had done the right thing to preempt any attempt from kekaya clan to support Bharata’s claim to the throne on account of a promise that lost validity as the expected progeny through Kaikeyee did not arrive. Sending such a confidential communication through Bharata would also be viewed as right because because he expected Bharata to support him in the event there was any discussion with him on the subject. Thus the king did every thing to ensure that the history would not judge him harshly.

Having accomplished the first part of his plan , he now proceeded to Kaikeyee’s palace to discuss with her the coming events of Rama’s coronation.Ka ikeyee received the king with usual cheer and affection King discussed about his plans to install Rama as his successor. She was thrilled and elated that her dear Rama would soon be the king. She supported King’s decision very heartily. King mentioned to her about the message sent to her father and brother.She said , “ My lord , the situation was very different at that time. You really have no reason to fear any objection from them as you are doing what is right in present situation and I support you . Rama will make a great king and uphold all our tradition and bring glory.Let us go and tell sister Kausalya immediately”Seeing sucha whole hearted support to his decision the king embraced his young wife and said with lot of emotion , “My dear ,you have a heart that is generous and a mind that is very pure. Your love is my strength .With your approval , I shall now tell wise Vasishta to call for a meeting of ministers and make a public announcement.”
At kausalya ‘s chambers Kaikeyee and king discussed the matter and Kausalya hugged kaikeyee and called Rama . Rama touched Kaikeyee’s feet and she blessed him ,putting her hand on his head brushing his lustrous hair and said”My son ,with you as King of this great kingdom,people will live a life of great prosperity and peace. Now go to your mother take her blessings. The king watched all this with mounting happiness as his plans seemed to work out with out any hitch”

Kausalya had spoken to Vasishta earlier. Both were gifted visioneries and knew very well that fate was about to play a diabolical role. They preferred to remain as mute spectators. Fate always had an upper hand and every one was a mere agent in its hands to do its bidding as well as we can.She closed her eyes in a silent prayer.

Manthara leaned on the stick and shifted her head so that she could hear the announcement being made by the royal tom-tom.He was going on beating his drum after every pause.The substance of the announcement was that Sri Rama was going to be crowned as the regent in a weeks time.and the ritual would be performed by the venerable Vasishta..The prince and his consort will retire to seclusion to prepare for the coming investiture ceremonies.Manthara heard every word with increasing anger as all around her the general public were celebrating. A deep frown lined up her already wizened old face. She turned and tried to hurry back to the palace to confront her Lady, the queen Kaikeyee.She asked herself how was she allowing all this.She had to do some thing.She hurried along.
Manthara had come from Kekaya kingdom along with Kaikeyee as her very personal maid. Manthara was the midwife when Kaikeyee was born and she stayed back at the palace as the baby grew up, taking care of her at every step. Hence when young Kaikeyee married Dasaratha and moved to Ayodhya, she too moved with kaikeyee .She continued to attend to Kaikeyee’s all personal needs, still treating her as a princess. She was very much attached to her ward and at times she seemed to be a little over powering her, imposing her own opinion. Kaikeyee had a mind of her own, but allowed the old lady to dominate her on all trivial matters while maintaining her own dignity as the favorite queen of King Dasaratha, .Dasaratha was not very well disposed towards Manthara and Kaikeyee always ensured that she was out of sight whenever king visited. Otherwise , she got along vey well with Manthara. This enabled manthara to take certain liberties.It was Manthara’s greatest wish that Bharatha should become the king of Ayodhya after Dasaratha,so it was natural that she was very agitated to know about the plans to install Rama as the regent
She rushed into the queen’s private chambers tapping her stick on the floor .Her fury peaked when she saw Kaikeyee gaily dressed and admiring herself in the mirror and trying to fasten a pearl choker round her neck. It was gifted to her by her aging husband on;ly that morning.She saw Manthara barging in , and shouted cheerfully, “come , come Manthara help me with this choker.Is’nt it fabulous?The king gave it to me this morning when he informed me about his plans for Rama’s investiture as regent of the realm.”
Manthara closed the clasp of the choker and said to Kaikeyee’If you are satisfied with cheap gifts like this , you will very soon end up as a hand maiden to Kousalya and young Sita , so please watch out.”Some thing in the tone and the way Manthara handled the clasp alerted Keykeyee.She said flatly “Yes, Yes, I know you don’t like Rama too much.You are still holding it against him, for the petty tricks he used to play on you in jest. He is such a darling. You really do not know what you missed when he offered to straighten your back if only you asked properly”You should have.If you had , by now , you would be most grateful to him, instead of holding up an old grudge.’
‘No, No.He was all the time mocking at me .He never cared for the hurt he was causing me. Do not worry, my time will come and I will have my revenge.’ Kaikeyee thought she would change the topic. Manthara asked’ when did you hear about Rama’s investiture.’

“Why?As soon as the date was fixed by Vasishta, the king came here personally to inform me. That is when he gave that pearl strand.I was so happy”

I am very surprised that you are so happy about some one else’s son becoming a regent.’

Sri Rama is not any one’s son. He is as much a son to me as my own dear Bharatha. I have greatest respect for Kausalya and she has treated both Bharath and Rama as her own. Why should I be different. Why are you so offensive “
I am not happy at all as my first loyalty is towards kaikeyee and no one else.Ican very well imagine what will happen to you and dear Bharath once Rama becomes the regent.Watch how Kauasalya puts you in your place. While Bharath will become a slave to the regent , you will become the hand maiden of the king’s mother.I dread that sort of situation developing.’
“Manthara , stop this nonsense. You do carry very wild thoughts. Never can Kausalya do any harm to any one. Rama is a gem among men. You better change your ideas about them”
‘Your Lord, the King Dasaratha is under the influence of Kausalya and you also seem to be under her spell. My dear , Wake up.You have totally missed spotting the manipulations of the cunning Kausalya and the king.’
“What was that “asked kaikeyee innocently.
Manthara was very aggressive , She demanded ‘tell me , why did the king send Bharatha away, just before the announcement of regency to Rama.
‘Why? What do you see in that.?.The whole world knows that my brother requested the king to send Bharatha and his bride to visit our ancestral house to spend some time with relatives in kekaya palace.”
‘Oh, is that so? Then tell me please, why could not the king wait till their return before he made the announcement. kaikeyee waited, she was hoping Manthara would go on. It never occurred to her that announcement in the absence of Bharatha could be so badly misconstrued. She hated the idea that her attendant could find fault with her husband..She rose to defend her husband” King Dasaratha is the guardian angel of Dharma. Don’t you dare find fault with him”
‘Your anger does you credit’ said the persisting Manthara,’But you are so blind that you are not realizing that you are being taken for a ride. They are violating your rights and flouting past agreements.Please wake up and act to protect your own rights’
Keaikeyee found her mind being filled with strange questions that disturbed her.Manthara watched the small worm inserted in the queens mind growing to the size of giant monster. She watched with shining eyes and listened keenly to the question she knew would come
‘What do you think, I should do?
She clapped her hand gleefully,’There is my little girl.
You remind the king of the promise he made to your father at the time of your marriage.
“Is it valid today?”
A promise is a promise. It is shaswatam. That is why they glorify it as satyam The dynasty of Raghus take great pride in upholding the promises made regardless of consequences’

‘Do you think the King would crown my Bharatha as the regent in place of Rama?”
It depends on what you ask and how you ask. You must leave no option for him’
Manthara was elated. Her job has been done.She waited for the axe to fall on Dasaratha.She hoped her Kaikeyee would play her cards right.
Kaikeyee wanted to be left alone. She dismissed Manthara from her sight and sat down to think about the past events. The idea of Bharatha becoming the king appealed to her and made her happy Now to put it to the king She walked up to the chest of drawers in the dressing table where she had kep her most prized assets. The green silk fabric of the fish flag embossed in gold was rolled tightly and kept in a gold clasp She spread the flag on the floor and looked at it with admiration. Her eyes closed and visions from the past flashed in front of her eyes in continuous streams


The battle field was strewn all over with dead bodies. Arrows were flying in the air fast and true. Each arrow found a mark , man or beast, it did not matter The chariot sped fast , the horses expertly handled by a young lady, as the original charioteer had been killed earlier. The bowman in the chariot was holding an upright long bow that matched the famous Saranga bow in the hands of great Vishnu..They had run to the edge of the field chasing their quarry who had disappeared all of a sudden The young king was wondering ‘how did I let him go out of sight’ . His eyes were shining with excitement as he looked right and left looking for his enemy.
The enemy was the Asura king Sambara,an expert in magical warfare, who had an uncanny ability to make himself invisible whenever he wished. He used this ability to shift his location during battle times, so that he always held an advantage over his adversary..He was a great warrior and presently he had defeated Indra, but found handling the young King of Ayodhya a different cup of tea, proving to be very difficult to crack. His magic was countered by intelligent counters and from being a hunter , he was now being chased. The young warrior, had come to help Indra retrieve the situation and had succeeded to a large extent. He had killed the charioteer to halt the king’s progress but his young wife had proved to be a gifted charioteer and he had to pull of his famous disappearing trick abandoning his chariot to escape from a determined fighter.

Young Dasaratha spotted the abandoned golden chariot that he was chasing.The Asura’s green gold embossed fish ensign was still flying on the top of chariot.The flag was called Nimidwaja.It was a flag that represented king Sambaran the lord of dhandakaranya, thev region south of Vindhyas
Dasaratha instructed his young wife to halt and she brought the speeding horses to a stop with a cry and pull of the reins which she had held tight. She said softly , ‘King , you must be very careful. Sambaran can launch a new attack from a new place invisible to our eyes. So do not expose yourself till you are very sure..The sun is setting now. You know asuras grow in strength as darkness creeps up Should you not be retiring now and see what others have done”It was more a suggestion than a question.He responded’Devi,,you know, it is not in our nature to retire from a battle till the enemy is vanquished or establishing the where abouts of the enemy to continue the battle tomorrow. We are now fighting very close to his capital city Vijayantha and he can send for more forces. We are on our own far away from our own forces, chasing our enemy.He has abandoned his chariot.Let us he what he keeps in his car.’
The young King jumped down from his high seat and in turn helped his young wife get down. She dropped the reins and catching the outstretched hands of her husband climbed down the chariot gracefully..He held her face in his strong hands and looked into those pretty blue eyes and said with great sincererity’ Devi,I have no words to express my gratitude. How cleverly you extricated us from an obvious trap, when he killed our charioteer. Your bravery is unmatched and your skills with the horses is amazing.Thank you.’Kaikeyee’s beautiful brightened and she smiled her acknowledgement of the complements.”My lord, you were wonderful. I have never seen such fighting skills for a long long time. You must be very tired. You are also wounded and bleeding. Let me look at the wounds please. Sambaran can not go away.He is also badly hurt.He is too proud to surrender. He also must recoup and rest after the pounding he received at your hands. Iam sure at least two arrows were very close to his heart. How he survived that attack is still a wonder.”
They walked to the chariot. The king saw the flag flying high and mocking at him.With a quick arrow , he brought the flag down .He picked it up at the tip of his bowKaikeyee grabbed at it exclaiming ‘whata beautiful fabric.See how soft and silky it is. Look at the embossing.It isa wonderful work of art.Any one who can weavea cloth like this must bea genius.”She passed the flag on to her husband, who examined the work with keen eyes.He was very impressed”very true Devi.It is a wonderful work of art. The skills these asuras possess are indeed amazing.We have a great deal to learn from them.This region of dhandakaranya is full of great resources which these asuras have exploited very cleverly.We must get close to them to learn from them. But they hate us so muchLook at this war, so much loss of life and property.All because two sets of people can not see eye to eye.There is so much fear and distrust that we can not sit together to reconcile and develop.
‘How did this present war start, my lord’asked kaikeyee’what compelled you tocome so far away from Ayodhya, please tellme.’

There was some respite from fighting.They were alone nowHe thought it was a good way of relaxing if he tell his young consort how he got involved in a fight between Indra and Sambara. .

The king explained,’This is not the first war , nor would it be the last one.When two sets of civilized peoplecan not see eye to eye orcontinue to ignore the benefits that can come out of contact and inter action,there will be conflicts.These conflicts come out of sheer ignorance, lack of vision, and distrust.The intelligentia on the two sides can help but in this case, they have been the reason for continuing conflictas they unwittingly pour oil intoa growing fire.The sages and ascetics whom we adore and respect force this situation on our heads and we do their bidding .There is bankruptcy of statesmanship.Tolerance is unknown and keenness to forge an understanding is conspicuous by its absence.”The king was going on and on likea seasoned politician and his young wife was hanging on his every word.She raised her hand to stop his narration. ‘I do not understand, please start from the beginning’

The country we call as Jambudweepa is a vast geographical land mass.The Vindhya ranges separate this great land into northern and southern territories.The great rivers like Narmadha, mahanadhi, godhavari further act asbarriersacting as lines of demarcation.There have been human settlements in north and south .The natural barriers have kept the two separated for long due to difficulties in traversing the mountain ranges and the dense forest cover .There have been no mingling of people so beliefs, practices and mindset of people in the north and south have been at variance.
Sages like Agasthya pioneered movement southwards and amny sages followed himand set up their hermitages.The local kept withdrawing avoiding conflict.Thismade the northerners bold and their influx southwards began to increase.The southerners resented this increasing intrusion into their territory and decided it was an invasion in the making.They acted to discourage this displaying their hostility .They killed asage here and there to create a fear complex,so that more people would not move southwards from north.They had their own very rational reasons for not wanting to have any truck with northerners
Our sages and ascetics always looking for ways to increase their knowledge found many new skills and sciences of their interest in these parts and they continued to probe pushing their way relentlessly.Whenever they were stopped or were pushed back they sought the help of big kings of north to over power the opposition and make themselves secure. We have benefitted from the study made by these rishis and asceticsa
There have been some very great kings in the south, some of them descending from the line of Diti, who made south areas under their overlordship.They were very well accomplished,very powerful and very ambitious.Some like Prahladha, Bali, tarakasura and Ravana even challenged Indra’s position proclaiming themselves as ruler of three worlds.There have been many wars.Some day I hope we will have a king clever enough to understand them , make peace with them and benefit from them.
This time , Sambaran was gunning for Indra and managed to defeat him .Indra sought my help and here we are fighting his battle.

Night descended on them softly.Dasaratha could not totally relax as he expected a counter attack any time.He took stock of his weapons and found he was already on the verge of being very short on weapons and he had to depend on what he was carrying on his person.He allowed his horses to be free and they were happy to graze.He found some fruits and roots for food and anearby brook gave him water to drink..He knew finally there would be close quarter hand to hand fighting and he was beginning to prepare himself for such an engagement.He looked at his battle sword with care. His wife was observing him and she moved to his chariot and looked into the war chest.She lifted another long sword , unsheathed it before tossing it to the king.,who caught it deftly.For herself , she grabbed a handful of arrows and along bow. She sat down to wait and kept a keen watch. They were both very tired and soon sleep came over them
Suddenly they woke up to sounds of blood curdling screams as a group of warriors led by Sambaran’s son was over them..Dasaratha swung his sword , fought bravely displaying extraordinary skill and courage.Kaikeyee calmly picked up her bow and with a steady hand picked off a few attackers with her arrows.They could beat off the attack, even though Dasaratha was wounded. Indra arrived at the scene with reinforcement and was happy to see Dasaratha alive..He said ‘Sambaran died because of wounds sustained during the fight with you last evening.we caught his son running this way. Isee that you have dealt with him very effectively.They walked up to the body of sambaran’s son lying on the ground with an arrow stuck in his throat.
Dasaratha looked at his young wife with new respect. He took her hand and kissed her on the fore head in a very tender display of his love. He said softly ‘Devi , you have saved my life again You can ask me anything you wish and I will grant you .In fact I offer you two boons, please ask.Please tell me what will please you.’Kaikeyee put her hand on his chest and said ‘what I did is a very normal thing that any kshatriya woman is duty bound to do, without expectation of any return. Your love towards me is more precious than all the gifts you can shower on me.’
Indra who heard her remark, said in admiration, ‘what you said just now is very proper and becoming. I expected nothing else from the daughter of great king Kekaya.Yet , I feel , you must accept the boons granted by the king., if not now , at some later date in future.
Dasaratha looked at Indra and said ‘well said.’and turning to kaikeyee’I promise to keep my word any time you wish to claim the boons’. Kaikeyee was overwhelmed.She buried her face in his broad chest and said “so be it ‘..

.Indra looked at them with genuine appreciation and said’Dear King, Iam very grateful to you for the help rendered in fighting and eliminating Sambaran.He was really becoming a threat to the peace in these parts.Now that both Sambaran and his sons have died , this territory of Dhandakaranya would be with out a ruler and Iam here by offer this land to you , so that under your umbrella , you can include, this piece of land.’

They returned to Ayodhya to a tumultuous welcome.Kausalya and Sumitra were at the gates of the capital city to greet the victorious couple.Kausalya hugged and pressed Kaikeyee close to her bosom and said with lot of feeling’Dear , You have brought our lord safely home.Glory be to you.We prat that you should very soon beget a son and make our Lord happier.”
Kaikeyee touched kausalya’s feet and said in all humility,’If it is the will of the lord we all worship,it will happen the way you all wish’
That evening, in her private chambers,kaikeyee had the king in her arms anda very happy and fulfilled King whisphered in her ears” Your two boons are very much in my mind.You can claim it which ever you wish’Kaikeyee had forgotten every thing about the boons, in that tight embrace.Her mind was working on how to grant the king the son he wanted so muchAson who would be the shining light of Ayodhya.


The memories of past events clashed with the words of Manthara about Her son Bharatha becoming a king after Dasaratha.The more she thought about it more she liked it.The flashing images of the dandakaranya war and the boons offered bya grateful king, merged with a new vision of her dear son Bharatha in the great throne of Ayodhya.The fresh image of shining face of Bharatha filled her mind and a loving mother’s bosom swelled up relishing the vision.Can it become true, was the question that repeated itself in her mind.Till this moment , the idea that she could encash the boons never occurred to her., as really there was no need for any thing.Her king had provided her with every thing she wanted , even though she could not fulfill his one great desire independently.Now new strange thoughts were prompting her to view the situation differently
The Nimtwaja in her hand was dazzling. She spread it on the floor and looked at it for a long time.Then she clapped her hands and a maid appeared .Kaikeyee handed over the fabric to her and said”This is the famous Nimitwaja which our king likes so much. Arrange to hoist this flag in the front yard of my palace for the king to see as he enters my place.”

King Dasaratha was in an elated mood..He had finished reviewing the preparations for the investiture ceremony , with his ministers and was very happy with the state of preparations. He spent some time with Sri Ram and Sita and explained to them significance of the various rituals they were expected to go through. He was satisfied that his great son and daughter in law were complying with all requirements gladly

Now he took up a clean scroll and scribing tool to prepare an invitation to very special friends and relatives He wanted to show it to kaikeyee before dispatching it.She had an eye for detail and if his work needed some improvement she would do it.Kaikeyee did every thing properly. It was with such thoughts of warm feelings about his wife that the king enetered her palace grounds
Then he saw the Nimitwaja fluttering in air atop a high mast .His heart missed a beat. He paused for a moment, wondering why it was hoisted. He knew she had kept the flag with her as a memento .He was proud of his victory over Sambaran and heroics displayed by his queen in the battlefield. Some how , the boons he had offered at that moment did not come to his mind. His attention was diverted by the sound of running steps.He saw kaikeyee dressed in the finest of clothes running towards him with her hands spread wide and face beaming with excitement The old king buried himself in those outstretched hands enjoying the contact with delicate soft skin. Her eyes were twinkling and her smile was bewitching.The warmth of the tight embrace brought all his senses alive.He tried to speak but no words came to him.He was speechless It was a long long time since he was received this way . suddenly and for the first time in his life ,the king regretted his age
They separated.She led himgracefully toan ornamental couch and waited for him to sit.Then she too said down close to his legs on the floor, softly rubbing his tired legs.she said softly, ‘you look bushed.Are the preparations for the investiture going on smoothly.’King recovering his breath with an effort said”yes, yes.The preparations are in full swing..I have brought a scroll of invitation for you to see and approve . If you find it in order we can dispatch to select people”Kaikeyee did not even bother to take it in her hand . Instead she asked’Did you see the flag outside?’
The king stared at her “yes, Isaw it indeed.Icould not understand why you put it up after all these years”
‘There was a purpose’
A purpose?what was that?
‘The boons, do you remember?
Of courseHow can I forget.i think , this is the best time for you to ask, Iam in such a happy mood and feel very very generous. Go ahead and ask.Only make sure that you ask for something that is proper and in line with your status as my favorite queen , mother of a Regent.
Yes, I will remember all that Would you grant me what I ask?
Yes, have no doubt on that score.I will grant you whatever you want subject of course , your wish must be proper and becoming.
Iwill hold all the devatas guarding the eight cardinal directions as witness to your assurances that you will stand by promises made
The king was laughing.He knew exactly what she was going to ask. He had dreamt all these and knew the time had come. He waited and said “yes, by all means. Iam here to please you”
Then please listen to me.I put to you two requests, first make Bharatha the regent and before that send Rama away to the forest for fourteen years
Dasaratha pretended as though he did not hereMy dear, you wanted something for yourself , what I heard was different.
‘No , my king , you heard exactly what I askedand you have sworn to deliver what ever I sought.
Yes I did.Are you sure of what you are asking.I have already announced shall be installed as a regent to succeed after me.Before making that announced , I had consulted you and be came a party to that decision. Now you want to reverse that decision . Is it proper?

Ido not see any thing improper in what I asked for my son.You did promise my father that my son would rule Ayodhya after you.Even if circumstances changed to make that promise invalid , the boons you granted stand valid and you have assured to grant my wishes.The boons were granted voluntarily, on your ownI expect you stand by your word.
There was a cold assertiveness to what she said and the way she said.She displayed the same approach that he had seen in the battlefield , calm , collected and very sure of what she was doing.She watched her husband
He was growing older by the minute and he was fighting different emotionsthat were trying to smother him., outrage,deceit,treachery, how to describe what he felt.
“Is that you kaikeyee , who are asking this. Was your Love towards Rama all a sham.How low you have stooped, seeking what you just said
Please, you granted me two boons and right to choose what ever I wanted and I have expressed my wishes.Iam asking for my son. Such selfishness in a mother is not unnatural or wrong.
Oh king let me remind what your own forefathers , the Sibis and Alarka did to safeguard the word given by themThey were prepared to sacrifice their very life to honour the word given by them Will you dare to do differently.You have no option but to say yes. Please say yes and please me.If you act otherway , you will be the cause for death of your wifeand that will be a disgrace you can not live with.

Dasaratha already dazed the heartless requests tried to appeal to her better senses”My dear ,tell me how sucha ghastly change has come about in your heart?The whole world knows the extraordinary attributes of Rama that made him suitable for RegencyWhat harm has been caused by Rama to you that make you negate all the good things you have done so far.Does nt Rama serve more devotedly than you r own Bharatha. ? Do you thing Bharatha would approve of what you are doing for his sake/Don’t you know that Bharatha holds Rama in great esteem and would not tolerate any harm befalling his dear brother.
Okay, if I agree to make your Bharatha a regent in place of Rama , will you withdraw your request to banish Rama to a life in the forests. You know , I can not be alive for a moment also if rama moves away from my sightYou know what will happen to your status if I die. Does it mean anything to you?
Kaikeyee remained unruffled by this emotionalthreats. She said in a calm manner”If you are prepared to disgrace your honour by dis regarding your own words of assurances, , you will be shining light of a dynasty that prided itself on holding up promises regardless of the consequences, then glory be to youIwill kill myself at your feet and let you explain to every one , including your dear son Rama , that you killed a wife because you did not want to keep up a promise. If you can live with that disgrace , be happy , but I will not be at your side be sure.

The old king reeled at the stream of harsh words coming out of Kaikeyee.Thios is not my kaikeyee talking.This is action of evil spirits that have gained control of poor kaikeyee ‘was all that he could murmer.
The king remembered his dreamsThe stars falling out of skies,appearance of long tailed comets and silent procession of people with tears stained faces and city gates of capital closed with flags hanging at half masts. Over come by grief on account of his own helpless situation, the great king collapsed and lost his consciousness


Kaikeyee decided to push ahead. Her husband was lying on the couchflat on his back , with his hands spread wide.Some thing stirred in her hard.She pushed apillow under his head and covered with a shawl.He opened his eyes for a moment and closed them again.Satisfied that he was comfortable, Kaikeyee sent for Sri Ram stating that he should present himself immediately at her chambers to receive new instructions regarding investiture ceremony.
Rama presented himself with out delay and bowed down to touch her feet.She blessed him a long life and comfort, as he stood up. His eyes were searching for the king.He knew that something untoward had happened and he was worried about the king’s safety.On his way to the palace , he had seen Manthara and her bearing revealed that she was trying very hard to hide her happiness about some thing.
Kaikeyee read Rama’s mind correctly and came to the point with out too much introduction”The king is rather tired after all the excitement and efforts of preparing for the coming ceremony. There are some changes that he wants to make and he has allowed me to tell you about it. For the services rendered to him , in a very difficult situation , he has granted me two boons that he said , I could claim any time I wish.My wishes have been assured by the king. However he does not wish to state it to you as it would cause him pain and left the task to me. If as his eldest son , you agree to implement my wishes granted by the king, I will state what is to be done” She waited for Rama to absorb what she had said. Rama , sensing the reason for the king not receiving him personally assured Kaikeyee ,”Mother, you know me. The king is not only my father , he is also my teacher and a good friend. As a loving son , obedient student and a loyal friend, I shall carry out your wishes, whatever they may be. Have no doubt on that score. I say but once and my word does not change If carrying out your wishes calls for plunging into the ocean, enter the fire or offer my life in return for some thing my father promised, I will do so with out second thought. So great Lady , express your wish with out hesitation what you wanted from my dear father , and I will carry it out to your satisfaction.

Yes Ram , my son , I know you keep your word .Listen to this .As per the assurances of the king , While Bharatha is installed as a regent of this realm , you will undertake a life in the forests away from Ayodhya , for a period of nine and five years. Rama heard her calmly and bent down to touch her feet again, He left the room with a smile and on the way out stopped to look at Manthara. He had a great deal to thank her for

A distraught Dasaratha was lying on his bed and queen Kausalya was nursing him. The dreams were coming true one by one increasing the king’s misery. The departure of his sons Rama and Lakshmana along with Sita, was a mortal blow, robbing him of all will to live. Like a fish out of water and a lonely man in an endless desert , his life was ebbing ..He was holding on to his wife’s hands like a scared child. He whisphered to her,’Did I tell you about the curse on me by the aged blind couple” He proceeded to tell her all about the long forgotten incident in his life. Every thing was happening in the way they had predicted. He would be deserted by his loving son and he will die suffering from the pangs of separation from his loving son, My dear , let me tell you about it.Possibly remembering those events may reduce my suffering.
It happened when I was very young and very immature. I had ascended to the throne at an young age and was proud of my skills with bow and arrow. My teacher had taught me a new trick of hitting a target guided by sound and not by sight .By sheer practice I had perfected that trick They called it Shabdhabedhi.I loved to go on hunting During one such hunting expedition, I killed an young man. I remember it was a very hot day and I felt very thirsty and was making my way to a water hole on foot .I could a hear soft sounds of a stream beyond the trees.Then I heard sound of gurgling of water. I thought an animal had come to the water hole. I put an arrow to my bow and waited for the sound to come again and when it repeated I shot the arrow and waited for the arrow to strike and scream of struck animal. But what I heard was a shocking scream of a human being AGHAST AT WHAT I HAD DONE , I RAN TO THE WATER HOLE. There I saw a youngman on the banks of the stream with a pitcher in hand . The sound I had heard was the sound of water entering the pitcher. My arrow had struck him in the throat and the poor boy was dying. I was terribly sorry for what I had done and his suffering brought tears to my eyes. I held him trying to comfort.He was able to talk and he said it was sucha shame that he had to die leaving behind his aged blind parents , who were anxiously waiting for him to bring cool water to quench their parched throat. They were on a pilgrimage and what a way end the pilgrimage , the boy said.He died in my arms and before dying requested me to hand over his body to his parents.I put his dead over my shoulder and walked towards the waiting parentscarrying the water filled pitcher in the other hand.They heard my unsteady footsteps and cried out that they wanted water rather urgentlySilently I held out the pitcher and the old man grabbed at it and in doing so his hand touched my dress and he knew immediately it was not his son standing near. I was dumb with fear.The old man said , who are you stranger , where is our son Shravan. I can smell death around you even though I can not see.’ Haltingly I introduced myself and informed them how I had killed their son in ignorance.They were shattered beyond ebliefIassured him Iwould be their son for their life time serving them in the way their son had done. They would not heara word of what I said.”He was our only child and you killed him . You don’t know the grief you have caused. Your words of consolation have no meaning to us at this satge of our lives. Do us a favour , kill us now with the same arrow that robbed the life of our son.He was the boat that helped us to cross this sea of life and the boat has sunk and we are marooned It is in our mind to curse you and make you suffer.You used a skil for an unworthy end and must suffer the consequences. Some time in future you will face a situation, when your loved son will desert you and the pangs of separation would be cause of your death.They did not live long after that. I performed their final rites likea dutiful son.To cleanse myself of the sins of killing innocent people I performed many yagnas and gave away large amounts of gold and cloth to all poor people. But effects of ones karma can not be jettisoned so easily
Kausalya , those curses are coming home to me now.Ican sense death approaching me softly.My dear Rama has deserted me leaving me to my fate.Kaikeyee has lived like her mother who was prepared to sacrifice life of her husband to achieve what she wanted. How history repeats itself so horribly The burden of guilt is pressing my heart like a huge stone.
Hold my hand Kausalya, please. I am afraid now. I am able to look at your face and can talk to you, but light is leaving my eyes as I see dark shroud enveloping you. My throat is becoming dry and my heart is beating so very slowly .Eh , Ram , why did you have to leave so readily?.It would have been so nice to put my head in your lap and pass away holding your beautiful face in my eyes. Alas , it is not so .I am a sinner who gave a word to an undeserving person.I killed an innocent boy and robbed aged blind couple of their one solace in life and what do I deserve,

The great king put his head in kausalya’s lap and died